5- "You Queer?"

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Castiel's apartment was nothing major. It was just a small area with whatever furniture he could afford. There were notes littered in any open spot, and medical textbooks scattered across the table in the living room. In the corner beside a turntable, there was a huge stack of Elvis vinyls.

"You really do like Elvis, huh?" Dean asked, noticing the stack as he shut the door.

"Uh, Yes, yes I do," Castiel said a little nervous, "want anything to eat?" He asked looking at Dean.

Dean glanced at his watch and furrowed his eyebrows at Castiel, "Cas, it's midnight. I don't think we should eat."

"Okay, I guess so," Castiel agreed, walking into the small living room.

He pulled the suit jacket off, and layed it over the back of the sofa. He began gathering some of the notes, books, and any other school related items, then putting them away.

"So, I'll sleep on the couch then?" Dean asked as he also took off his jacket, laying it beside Cas' on the couch.

"I mean, that's up to you, I do own a double bed, but I suppose you'll prefer the couch," Cas said moving a few more books, turning back to Dean shortly as he spoke, and then back to cleaning.

"I'll take the couch," he chuckled, then paused, "uh, do you want me to help you pick up your books and school things?"

"No, no, it's okay, I've got it," Castiel told Dean, turning around back to him.

The area was acceptably clean. Cleaner than parts of the Winchester House, that's for sure.

Dean moved a pillow--that used to be invisible because of a binder--to lay against the armrest of the couch.

"So, good night, I guess," Dean told Cas, "you sleep, I don't have time to go back to the hospital tonight. No fainting!"

"I'll try not to faint, Dean," Castiel said with a chuckle, "but, good night. Blankets are over there," he pointed to a small table in the corner of the room--the non-Elvisified corner--that was stacked with at least two or three sheets and blankets.

Castiel walked over towards a wall a few feet behind the couch, and opened a door. He went into his bedroom and closed it.

He changed quickly into boxers and a sweater. He lied down on the bed, his head propped up slightly with a pillow. He rolled onto his side and curled his legs and arms up close to his chest. He tossed and turned quite a lot before he eventually drifted off to sleep.

He lied peacefully on the bed, his chest rising and falling at a normal rate.

Dean watched Cas as he left the room, and then walked toward the blanket stack. He grabbed a sheet, and a heavier blanket--closer to a comforter really. He lied down against the pillow and covered himself in the sheet and the comforter.

They could have been softer, but Dean had had worse. He sunk into the pillow more as he turned to the side away from the couch. He brought his knees up as far as the small makeshift bed allowed, without the possiblity of falling off. Eventually, Dean ended up getting to sleep, just slightly before Castiel did.


The next morning, Castiel woke up. He sat up slowly, as he was still tired, and ran a hand through his messy hair. He wiped a little sleep from his eyes and opened them.

He pulled on a pair of sweatpants over his boxers, but left the thin, oversized sweater on.

He stood up and slowly opened the door to the living room. Dean was still sleeping peacefully on the couch his chest rising and falling, Castiel smiled a bit at the sight.

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