39- "Hey, There You Are."

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"Sam, stop here," Dean said.

"What?" His brother asked.

"Just do it..." Dean told him.

Sam gave a confused look, but pulled over. Dean stepped out of the car and went into the alley they had parked next to.

Dean was weary of the blood as he walked. He bent down, painfully, and picked up two items that were laying on the ground.

He stood back up with the wall's help, and went back to the car.

Dean climbed back inside the car and shut the door.

"Dean, what did you do?" Cas asked.

Sam had turned around to look, but shook his head and started driving back towards their house again.

Dean held Cas' head steady as he slid on his glasses--remarkably not broken.

Cas squinted for a moment, "hey, there you are," he grinned.

Dean smiled and pulled Cas into a light hug.

"You got my wallet," Cas stated, blankly.

"I did," Dean said as he opened it.

Dean began going through it, "okay, driver's license, ID, the damn photo. If you had any money in here, they stole it," Dean handed the wallet back to Cas.

"It's okay, it could have been way, way, way, worse," Cas said, taking it.

"How many people do you think know that I'm gay?" Cas asked.

"I don't know," Dean answered.

Cas sighed, "thank you for getting this stuff."

Dean grinned, "why wouldn't I?"

Cas shrugged, and Dean gave a light smile.

"Okay, lovebirds, we're home," Sam said, pulling into the driveway.

Dean nodded and pressed a quick kiss to Cas' forehead. Cas grinned as Sam parked the car. Dean opened the door and had stepped out, before Sam had even touched his door.

Dean opened Cas' door. He made a "hmph...." noise, when Sam helped Cas out instead of him. He sighed and shut Cas' door once he was out.

They walked inside and Sam sat Cas on the couch. Dean sat next to him.

"Dean, you need to sleep," Cas told him.

"I don't want to sleep," Dean claimed.

Sam walked inside the living room a moment later with a small glass of water and the bottle of Tylenol.

"Can you hold this?" Sam asked Cas, handing the cup to him.

Cas nodded and took it.

Sam shook a pill into his hand, and closed up the bottle. Dean took the pill and swallowed it dry.

"Dean..." Cas sighed, "at least drink the water."

Dean took the glass and downed it,


My best friend Moosekateer: Just eat the friggen Snickers, Kae!!!

Me: Why

Moosekateer: Because you're not you when you're hungry.

Me: *Eats Snickers*


"better?" Dean asked.

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