32- "I Asked You First."

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"Cereal's in the cabinet to the right of the cabinet that's to the right of the oven," Dean told him.

Cas smiled at his answer. He walked towards the said cabinet. He pulled out the box and got the bowls. He poured a Dean size serving and a Cas size serving. He poured milk in, and placed spoons in each.

He brought them to the table. He sat Dean's bowl in front of him, and his own in the seat next to his boyfriend.

Dean kissed Cas cheek before Cas sat down, "thanks, Cas..."

Cas smiled and pulled out his chair, "you're welcome."

Cas sat down and picked up his spoon, "so, is Sam at school?"

"Well, it technically hasn't started yet, but, yeah, he's driving there," Dean answered.

Cas nodded as Dean reached for his spoon, "do you want me to feed you again?"

"You're going to insist, aren't you?" Dean asked.

"You must know me well, yes, Dean. I insist," Cas grinned.

Dean sighed, "fine. But you need to finish eating first. I'm not going to let you eat nothing because you already eat so little."

Cas smiled and blushed at Dean's compassion.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Nothing..." Cas told him.


"I'm done," Cas told him, pushing his bowl away, twenty bites later.

"Drink the milk," Dean told him.

"Out of the bowl?" Cas asked.

"Yes..." Dean told him like it obvious; which it was.

Cas gave him a weird look, but picked up the bowl and pushed it to his lips. He poured it down his throat and swallowed. He sat the bowl down as he wiped the milk mustache.

Dean smiled, "okay, feed me. I'm hungry."

Cas grinned and picked up Dean's spoon. He picked up a scoop of the cereal and Dean opened his mouth. Cas put it inside. Dean closed his mouth around it and Cas pulled it out.

Cas reached for another scoop, "so, how's your day been so far?"

"Painful, but not too bad. You're here, so it's a lot better," Dean grinned.

Cas smiled, "I feel better because you're here too."

Cas was getting the last of the Cheerios on Dean's spoon and fed it into his mouth; not without dripping milk on his pants of course.

Cas giggled as Dean tried to wipe away the milk as he chewed his bite. He gave up trying to clean up the milk. The pants were PJs anyway.

"Okay, I'm not feeding you the milk in the bowl because that's going to end badly," Cas told him.

"Fine..." Dean reached for the bowl and held it to his lips and drank it.

Cas gave him a look and shook his head.

Dean sat the bowl back down, "only hurt a little bit."

Cas giggled at his milk mustache.

"What?" Dean asked.

"You have a little something on your face," Cas told him, grabbing a napkin.

Dean looked to Cas, "I can get it mysel... fine, you're going to do it anyway."

Cas smiled and wiped Dean's mustache from his face.

Dean sighed, "Cas, I can do things by myself..."

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