21- "You Don't Trust Me?"

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"Tell me about Dick," Sam said, stirring the pot of tomato soup.

Angel sighed, "annoying little bastard."


"He cheated on me..." Angel answered.

"Ohh... that's horrible..." Sam said.


Sam turned to her, "wait... Cas is gay too?"

"Yeah," she answered like it was obvious.

"You think that Dean and Cas are..." Sam trailed off.

Angel raised her eyebrow and nodded.


Angel nodded again.

Dean smiled, "okay, Cas..."

Cas nodded.

"Do you feel better?" Dean asked.

"I'm glad I could tell you everything..."

Dean smiled, "I'm glad you could tell me everything too..."

Cas smiled.

"Castiel is a beautiful name," Dean said after a minute of Cas leaning on his chest.

"Thanks..." he said, turning and looking up at Dean, "you have beautiful eyes.

"We've been over this, you have beautifuller eyes," he insisted.

Cas didn't know what to say to that, he just leaned back onto Dean's chest.

"Does your, uh," Cas glanced to Dean's crotch, "feel better?"

"I think I'm good now, but, Jesus, Cas..."

"Dean, I'm so--"

"Stop it," Dean interrupted.

Cas sighed, "it's good that it's better now."

"I'm glad..." Dean said.

Cas smiled, brushing his hand down Dean's shirt, "yeah..."

Dean smiled, "Cas?"


"Do you know what we can do?" Dean asked.


Dean took Cas' arm and pulled down the sleeve.

"We can cover these up with tattoos. Beautiful ones."

Cas shrugged, "I don't know."

"People do that."

"Yes, I know, but I don't know."

Dean smiled, "that makes absolutely no sense..."

Cas sighed, pulling the sleeve back up to cover his scars, "you know what I mean..."

"That's true, but doesn't change that it doesn't make sense," Dean said.

Cas turned his head and looked at him, "Dean, just be quiet..."

Dean put his arm around Cas' waist. His shirt was pulled up slightly, and some of his stomach was showing. Dean put his fingers against his skin and brushed them across.

Cas started smiling, "Dean, that tickles."

Dean didn't stop. Cas moved his hand to scratch the area that Dean was making itchy. He scratched it with his tiny nails, Dean grabbed his hand. He pulled it up to his lips and kissed the back, under his knuckles.

Cas sat up a little so that he wasn't falling off the couch as much. He grabbed Dean's shoulder with his left arm.

"When do you think I need to get home?"Dean asked him.

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