4- A Can of Tomato Soup and 20 Bowls of Pasta

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There is an OC (Non-Canon Character) in this chapter and later ones... I can't really get rid of her, she's important and the person that played her would get mad at me.

Also, I'm being evil again.

I'm making you wait a bit longer for the part you guys have been waiting for.

You'll see.


Sam walked off from Dean and Castiel. He lifted the drink above his head and pressed the lip of the glass against his mouth. The last few drops rolled over onto his tongue, signifing he had finished off his beer. For once he drank all of his before Dean had, not that it really mattered. He sat in a seat at the bar, the main center of attention of the party.

He ordered another beer from Dennis, tossing the required amount of coins to him.

Dennis took the money and began making the beverage for Sam.

Sam didn't usually order two beers, most of the time he stuck with just one. This time he thought he'd get the second one. Not that it would make him drunk or anything, that was too hard to do with his tolerance. The only person he knew who had a higher one than him? Dean.

Sam looked around at the people around him. A very short woman sat next to him. This wasn't that Sam thinks that everyone looks short, it's that she couldn't even be 5' tall.

"Hello," he greeted to her as he sipped the beer that Dennis had given him.

"Hi,"she said drinking some wine out of her glass, "you're very, very tall."

He laughed and said, "yeah I'm tall, by the way, did the wine wash off?" He asked as he remembered that she was the person that had dropped the wine.

"Oh, you saw that?" She laughed, "yeah, good thing my dress is black, but not good for my shoes."

She slipped off her white heels that were stained with red and held them up for Sam to see.

"Oh, that's not good," he agreed, as he looked at the ruined, probably expensive, shoes, "always the struggles of wearing something white," he added.

"Yeah," Angel put her shoes back on and asked Sam a question, "so what are you doing at this party?"

"Oh, well my brother wanted to come here, and I also thought a break from all the studying would be good," he replied to her question.

"Interesting," she smiled, "I'm not a big party person, I just came here for the drinks."

"What's your name?" Sam asked her, nodding.

"My names Angel, what's yours Mr. Tall?" She asked him, taking another drink of the wine and then setting the glass back on to the frigid counter that was the bar.

He chuckled and replied, smiling, "nice to meet you Angel, I'm Sam, Sam Winchester."

Almost as if it was waiting for Sam to finish his sentence, a crash filled the room. Both of their eyes, out of instinct, flew across the room to the sound.

"What happened Mr. Tall? I can't see!" She said trying to look over the crowd.

"He passed out," Sam muttered standing up quickly trying to push his way through the crowd.

"Hey wait!" Angel called standing up.

Sam ignored her.


He he...

I made you wait for this...


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