17- "Objection."

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Sam held the door open for Angel as the two left.

Angel smiled and walked through, "thanks."

They both walked to her car. Sam didn't enjoy sitting in it, for it didn't have the most headroom. Angel smiled as she sat in the front at Sam needing to duck.

"Oh, be quiet..." he told her.

She laughed, "I guess being Mr. Tall has its disadvantages too."

Sam smirked, "I guess so."

"You know, you didn't have to come if I was going to drive," Angel pointed out.

"I wanted to come," Mr. Tall told her.


That sat in silence for a minute.

"You know..." Sam started, "I was reading the book of Numbers earlier..."

"Oh, really?"

Sam smiled an nodded, "but, then, I realized, I didn't have yours."

Angel laughed, "okay, Mr. Tall, that was great. I can't write currently so..."

Sam smiled, "have you ever realized how beautiful you are?"

"Sammy's getting all flirty," Angel said.

Sam grinned.

Angel turned into the parking lot in front of her apartment.  building. Sam handed her a small notepad and pen from the glove box. She wrote her number down and handed it to Sam. Sam ripped the page off, and put the pen and the notepad back. He pocketed the page.

They were both somewhat sad when they reached her place. The two enjoyed spending time together.

Sam came up with an excuse to stay, "can I see Sherlock now?"

Angel's face lit up and readily accepted, "yes!"

They stepped out of the vehicle and Angel grabbed his hand. She led him to her apartment on the second floor. She unlocked the door, and her cat the color of Sherlock's deerstalker, ran to her and Sam immediately.

He crouched down to pet Sherlock, "you know what, actually, sorry to say this but, I should probably get going. I need to get back to the house, and stuff."

Angel's face dropped, "okay..."

He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek as he reached for the door handle.

Angel blushed as he opened the door, "bye-bye, Mr. Tall..."


Sam smiled as he headed back down the stairs. Sam reached the outside.

Angel ran out to her balcony, "Sam!"

Sam turned to look, "what?"

"You forgot your coat!"

He smiled, I'll pick it up tomorrow."

He said this mostly because he wanted an excuse to come back tomorrow.

She nodded and Sam turned back to leave. He knew he couldn't take Angel's car back, so he walked. Sam wasn't a big car person anyway. He knew the route well because of his morning walks. The Winchester didn't really have to think about it as he got back to their house in ten or so minutes.

He would have stayed longer, but maybe next time. He needed to get back to the house.

It being 10:35 PM when Sam got home, he went to his bedroom and changed into PJs. He lied down on his bed and fell asleep.

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