36- "Please... Don't, Hurt Me..."

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Castiel lied on the couch for what seemed like forever. He sat up so he could go to school that night. He dryed his tear stained face and changed into his uniform.

He finished getting ready, and drove towards the school. He  went to class.


Castiel tried to hide his face during his classes, and went to the bathroom more often then usual. Only one of those times he actually had to pee. The other times, he had to calm himself down and keep from stabbing his pen through his hand.

As Castiel shuffled off towards the bathroom from class, his wallet fell out of his back pocket. He wasn't paying attention and he didn't notice.

Castiel stepped into the bathroom and gripped the sides of the sink. He looked up into the mirror and wanted to smash it, but he resisted the temptation.


The next morning, Hannah walked towards her first class. She saw a wallet laying on the floor. She bent down to pick it up.

He opened it to reveal Castiel's ID. She still had a grudge against the man. She went through it.

His ID,
Driver's license,
Other random crap.

And then...

A photo.

It had him, and another man that Hannah didn't know. But the catch...

Castiel was kissing his cheek.

Hannah gasped at the photo, and shut the wallet immediately.

That's why he rejected me...

Hannah pocketed the wallet. She went to her class and wrote a note. She folded it in half and tucked the picture inside. She passed it to her friends Hester and Inias.


This college has weird named students okay?


The two opened the note gave each other looks.

So, I guess this is why Castiel rejected me. The guy's queer

Inias wrote a response and passed the note and photo back to Hannah.

What do you want us to do?

Hannah took the photo and put it in her pocket. She wrote something back and gave it to Hester and Inias.

Get revenge somehow

They nodded.


Dean held his head in his hands when he woke up that morning. He had sat up in his bed and was sitting with his legs crossed. He couldn't believe what had happened last night between him and Castiel.

How could just leave Cas?

What if Cas hurt himself again?

What if Cas hurt himself again, because he left?

Dammit, Dean!


By the time 3 PM rolled around, Cas had done the dishes, cleaned up his apartment, and was getting a few things from the store.

The store wasn't far, and he only needed a few small things, so he walked.

He collected his items and reached for his wallet.

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