9- "Cas, Promise Me."

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Dean spoke the last number and both the men in the room stated their answer simultaneously.


The two smiled and Dean kissed Cas' cheekbone. Cas replied with kissing his lips.

"We should move from leaning against the couch, to sitting on the couch," Dean suggested.

Cas' mouth curled into a smile. Dean stood up first, offering his hand out to Cas. Castiel took it and stood up, following him to the comfortable part of the sofa.

Cas sat down first on the cushions and Dean on top of him. Dean kissed Cas, holding his jaw. He smoothed his left hand across Cas' bony shoulders and down his back. Dean's right hand was against the couch so he wouldn't fall.

Castiel put his right hand on Dean's neck as he pressed his lips to his. He glided his other hand up under his shirt.

"Cas?" Dean asked.


"I feel like," Dean paused, "I should tell Sam where I am, because currently, he doesn't know."

Castiel sat up as much as possible with Dean still there, and looked at him, "I have a phone in the bedroom, if you want to call him," he offered, pointing towards the bedroom door.

"Yeah, thanks," Dean said, removing himself from the couch, carefully so he wouldn't knee Cas in places, that do not need to be kneed by an approximately 180 pound man.

Dean followed Cas' finger to the bedroom. He opened the door and turned on the light. Next to the large bed was a nightstand, with a phone on it.

Dean dialed a number on the keypad with ten taps of his finger. He picked up the receiver, waiting for his brother to answer; if he was at the house. It rang a few times, and Dean grew impatient, twiddling with the coiled phone cord.

There was no answer. Either Sam was still at the bar or on his morning walk, which he took most mornings, and was more likely. It usually didn't last this long, he was probably hung up talking to someone. Dean put the phone back.

He walked out of the bedroom, closing the door and turning out the light.

"No answer," Dean said.

"Oh, any idea where he could be?" Castiel asked, standing up and walking over to Dean.

He knew how it was to worry about brothers, even though it was a while since he had needed to.

"Most likely walking, he goes on one every morning. Usually doesn't stay out this late, but he's probably talking to someone," Dean answered, snaking his arms around Castiel's waist, messing with Cas' top, that was too thin to be wearing in Winter, "so... I guess you could take me home, or you could still be too out of it to drive," Dean suggested, smiling into Cas' eyes.

"I don't know if you want that, I've been told I'm not the best driver," Castiel chuckled and put his hands on Dean's shoulders, "I should get some real clothes on no matter what," he said smiling.

Cas walked off towards his bedroom.

"I really don't care you know," Dean called to him, but Cas wasn't listening.

He smiled and shook his head as his... boyfriend left the room.

That word was still new.

Though, he didn't think he had ever been this happy in his entire life.


Dean looked down at his shoes, rocking back and forth on his heels, waiting.

Castiel quickly changed into jeans, a white button up, and a warmer sweater over it. He came out of the bedroom again and over to Dean.

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