27- "I Told You So..."

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Sam's eyes shot to the scream and the crash. He was going to have a heart attack if Dean and Cas were having sex in the room across from him.

He stood and walked to the door, "did someone get hurt or do I not want to know what you're doing?"

"No, we're fine, we fell off the bed!" Cas shouted through the door.

Sam exhaled a breath he didn't been holding, "are you two okay?"

"I'm fine!" Cas yelled.

"Me too," Dean called, just loud enough for Sam to here.

Sam shook his head, "okay."

He walked back to the table, rubbing a hand down his face. He returned to writing his paper.

Cas looked up at Dean, "I told you!"

"Okay, okay," Dean sighed, "but neither of us are hurt."

"Thank, God."

Dean sighed, "look even when we fell, I didn't let you get hurt!"

Cas rolled his eyes, "we could have concussions, you don't know!"

Dean sighed, "I didn't even hit my head, and if you did, only against my arm."

Cas sighed, "I hate you."

"I just saved your life!"

"You're the one that put me in danger! And I told you not to do it anyway!"

"Okay, fine. Rule. No standing on the bed," Dean said.

"Yeah, I thought that was obvious," Cas told him, "but apparently not."

Dean ignored him, "how much stuff do you think we broke?" Dean asked.

"I'm glad you didn't break us," Cas said.

"And nothing expensive, please?" Dean said.

Cas stood up and Dean put his hand against the floor to stand as well.

Dean lifted his body and dropped back down, "shit, my back!"

Cas kneeled next to him, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, really," Dean lied.

"No, you're not," Cas said, "I'm getting you some ice."

Dean sighed as Cas left the room.

Sam glanced up at Castiel, "what's wrong?"

"Dean needs ice, turns out he hurt his back," Cas informed.

"How bad?" Sam asked.

"Enough to need ice," Cas told him.

Sam put his pencil down and stood up. He walked to the kitchen and Cas followed. Sam opened the freezer and pulled out an ice pack.

"This good?" Sam asked as he held it out to Cas.

"Do you have two?" Cas asked taking it.

"Uh..." Sam looked back inside the freezer, "yeah, here."

He handed a second one to him, "thanks."

Cas walked back towards Dean's room and Sam followed.

"Uh, Dean wouldn't want you in there, he's kind of shirtless," Cas told him, "I can take care of him."

Sam looked at him for a second, "I'm his brother."

"I'm in med school," Cas said, "and his boyfriend."

Sam sighed, "okay. Just tell me if anything is really wrong."

"Yeah," Cas told him, "I will."

Sam nodded and sat back at the table. He started working again but worry still crawled through him.

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