33- "Can I Keep it?"

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Cas looked up at the sound of his voice. He had first gone to put the ice packs back in the freezer. He was now lying on the bed, just waiting.

He stood, walked towards the door and knocked, "Dean?"

"Um, I can't stand!" Dean called to him.

"Okay, so I'm coming in then," Cas said, pursing his lips.

Dean was going to get better, Cas assured himself. He would be able to stand without him.

Dean nodded as Cas walked in. Cas couldn't see Dean's bottom half because the shower curtain was being convenient. Cas bent down to where Dean was. He didn't look at what Dean didn't want him to look at. Dean put a wet arm around Cas' shoulders and Cas put his arm around Dean's. Cas took Dean's other hand in his.

"Ready?" Cas asked Dean, who nodded, "one, two, three..."

They pushed up and got Dean standing.

"The green towel?" Dean requested.

Cas grabbed the one on the left and gave it to him.

Dean wrapped it around his waist, and Cas could finally look at him properly.

"I really shouldn't have sat down..." Dean said.

Cas shrugged, "I don't mind..."

"Did you look?" Dean asked.

"I didn't..."

Dean smiled, "how the hell do you think you're worthless?"

Cas looked down, "Dean..."

"I actually want you to answer me," Dean said.

Cas sighed, "I just wasn't appreciated by anyone. No one loved me."

"Come here..." Dean told him.

Cas looked up and stepped a foot closer, "what?"

"Come here," Dean told him again, "right here."

Cas walked next to the tub, where Dean was standing, still inside the shower.

Dean pressed his lips to the top of Castiel's head, "I love you..." he whispered.

"I love you too..." Cas smiled, "you should dry off and get dressed."

"Yes, yes I should," Dean said.

"And I should change shirts..." Cas said, as the water from Dean's arm being around his shoulders had soaked through the shirt and run down his back.

"Yes, yes you should."

Cas left the room and changed shirts.

Dean started drying off, which was painful. He sighed, but didn't let the pain bother him. He put on his robe and hung up his towel. He went back to his room where Cas was still waiting; Cas was now wearing a red shirt.

"Hey," Dean said.

"How was your shower?" Cas asked him.


Cas sighed, but smiled, "I guess you're okay, then."

Dean smiled, "I'm fine, Cas..."

Cas nodded, "you should get dressed."

"Yeah, I can do it..." Dean told him.

"I'll just, uh," Cas stood and left the room, so Dean could change.

Dean sighed and got clothes from his drawers. He put them on. The medicine made it less painful, but it still hurt a little. He called Cas back inside the room.

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