7- Macho Man

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Sam woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, as it started to ring. He turned it off as he sat up and stretched in bed.

He then got up, making his way to the kitchen as he made himself a cup of coffee. He yawned, picking up the morning paper, and glancing at the articles.

Sam went to take a shower. He started the water and shampooed his hair, rinsing it off by ducking his head into the water as he was actually taller than the shower head.

Once he finished rinsing soap off too, he dried off with a blue towel he had grabbed out of the linen closet. He put on his usual plaid shirt and a pair of jeans.

He made his oatmeal breakfast, and ate it. Sam then pulled out his books and decided to review a bit more for the upcoming tests and exams.

Angel woke up with Sherlock resting on her face. She gently took him off, and got out of bed, yawning. She put on high waisted jeans and a flannel shirt. Angel walked out of her room, and began brewing a cup of coffee.

The water in the kettle boiled and she poured it into a cup. She finished preparing the drink and sat down at her small table sipping it. She decided to do some studying as she enjoyed her ol' cup a' joe.

She was going to a veterinarian. She had always loved animals, and wanted to be one since she was six.

When she drank the last drop of her hot beverage, she sat on the couch and turned on her small TV, watching The Twilight Zone.

Sam stood up, finishing his food, and put his bowl in the sink. He put on his jacket and decided to take his usual morning walk.

He stepped out the door, wondering where Dean was.

Angel got bored with the TV show and turned it off. Not having anything else to cure her case of boredom, she began tidying up her apartment. She started to sing the beginning of You Belong to Me. She couldn't figure out how to work the turntable that she had, so she usually sang without music.

She cleaned that cat hair off her couch and went out to her balcony to water a perennial flower she had out there. She still sang, and didn't care if anyone heard her.

Whilst Sam was walking, he heard someone singing You Belong To Me. The woman who was singing sounded like an angel.

He looked up, "wait, Angel?"

He smiled, seeing her.

Angel noticed Sam and smiled, "hey Mr. Tall!" She called down from her balcony, "what are you doing here!?"

"I was just taking a walk and I heard your angelic singing," he explained, "must of been why they named you that, huh?"

"Oh, thank you sir," she giggled, "how's your walk going!?" She finished watering her plant.

"It's alright I guess," he told her, smiling.

"Well that's good! May I join?" She asked, "I need to get out of this apartment."

"Of course, my lady," he replied in a fake accent with a bow.

Angel hurriedly put her hair up and shoes on. She practically ran down the stairs and met Sam at the bottom in 20 seconds flat.

"Hey Sammy," she greeted, slightly out of breath.

She gave him a hug, standing on her tip toes.

Castiel tried to pull his hand back but Dean's grip was too tight.

Dean looked back up at Cas with a surprised look, "did you... hurt yourself, because of what people think of you que--"

He stopped and corrected himself, "gays."

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