20- "Because My Name is Castiel."

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It's that time of the story again...


This chapters word iisssss...


Suggested by: @All-The-obsessions-2



Cas looked up at Dean and back down to the many scars that ran left to right along his legs.

"Cas..." Dean whispered.

"Dean, I know..." Cas said, "I just... I told you okay. You didn't have to find out by yourself."

Dean didn't care about that. He walked to the Novak and tilted his head up to look at him. He held his jaw kissed him.

Cas tried to smile, but he didn't.

"Is there anywhere else... this is it, right?" Dean asked.

"This is it," Cas assured.

Dean sighed and knelt down to look at his scars. He rubbed his hands over them. Some were older and baredly visible, others were still a light pink bump.

Dean looked up him, "how could someone just... how, Cas?"

He didn't answer, "I just thought you should know..."

Dean nodded and kissed him again. They pressed their foreheads together for a moment.

"How bad was that burn?" Dean asked.

"Eh, it's mostly okay now..." Cas answered.


"I mean, it still hurts a little, but, it's fine, Dean, I've had much worse."

Dean nodded.

They went back to the kitchen but Dean didnt hop on the counter. Dean didn't even pick up his half-eaten grilled cheese.

"Are going to eat it, Dean?"


Cas cocked his head, "but you..."

"I lost my appitite... for the first time in a long time."

Cas nodded as Dean threw out the sandwich.

Dean led Cas to the couch, "Cas, you're tearing my soul apart..."

"Wha..? Uh... sorry? What do you mean?"

Dean lied down in a fetal position, "you do this to yourself. And all I can imagine is you sitting there with those blades cutting into your own skin, bawling your fucking eyes out. And if I had met you sooner you would be okay."

Cas sat down next to him. He pursed his lips and looked to the man with the sandy hair and candy apple green eyes.

"I'm sorry," he repeated for about the 1000th time.

Dean sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Thank you for showing me, Cas," he whispered.

Cas nodded a 'you're welcome.'

Dean reached his hand out to Cas and he took it, expecting to pull Dean up to sit, but Dean pulled Cas down to lie on top of him.

Cas wasn't expected it and fell on top of him. He kneed him in the dick.

"AH!" Dean yelled.

Cas sat back up, realizing what he'd done, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Cas repeated for the 1001st, 1002nd, and 1003rd time.

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