13- "Cas, Fight it."

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Angel looked to Sam as he hung up the phone, "so, now what?" She asked him.

"I don't know, what do you want to do? I'm up for suggestions," he told her, as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Hmm... do you have a TV?" She asked, having an idea, "if not, it's fine..."

"Yeah, I have a TV," he answered, as he turned to his left and lead her towards it.

"Do you have any movies? I just want to watch some, you know?" she smiled, "it's a great time killer."

"Here, you can look through these," he said, as he pulled out a box and placed it on the small table.

Angel smiled, "thanks," she said, as she looked through the box of cassettes, she saw a movie with Marilyn Monroe, "Some Like it Hot?" She asked, holding up the tape.

Sam looked confused on why they even had that, "what's that about?"

"Boys dressed as girls, I think... but Marilyn Monroe is in it, so, why not? Also, why do you have this movie?" She asked, laughing a little.

He laughed and guessed, "Dean probably just found that in some store and bought it."

He then took the cassette and put it in the player.

Angel pointed to the couch, "may I sit?" She asked, looking at Sam for an answer.

"Yeah, of course, just make yourself at home," he replied, as he turned on the TV and sat down beside her.

"Thanks," Angel sat on the couch, "do you want your jacket back?"

He laughed, "you can keep it if you want."

"Really? It fits me so well!" She giggled.

Angel patted the seat on the couch beside her, "join me."

He smiled at the comment and sat down beside her.

"Have you seen this before?" She asked, moving a bit closer to Sam.

"Well, I watched like the first few minutes," he responded, as he looked at her.

"Oh, okay, I've never seen it."

He then said, "oh, don't worry no spoilers here."

"Good, because I would full on hit you," she joked.

He laughed, "ahhh!!!" he yelled, and threw his hands in the air, pretending to be scared.

"If I can reach your face of course."

He laughed again, "yes, being Mr. Tall has its advantages."

Five minutes of the movie passed, and Angel was already half asleep. Sam looked down at her and chuckled.

She looked over at Sam, tiredly, "wha's so funny?.." she yawned.

"Oh, nothing," he replied as he glanced back at the TV.

He looked back at her again, asking her, "are you tired?"

"A little..." she admitted, resting her head on Sam's shoulder.

"You sure?" Sam asked Angel, "just a little?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "maybe..."

"I could take you home," he offered, though, he did enjoy her company,

"No, I'm fine..."

He sighed, "I think you need to go home, Angel," he told her, honestly.

"I'm fine, Sam, I'll stay, as long as you're okay with it," she said.

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