31- "What Happened?"

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Sam had finished his book by 5:10 PM. He sat it down and sighed. He fished out Angel's number from the pocket of his jacket that he had hung up on the coat rack earlier. He pressed the numbers on the phone, and picked up the receiver.

Angel was sitting at her dining table eating a bowl of Cheerios that she was having for dinner. She stood up as the phone rang and smiled, assuming it was Sam. She picked up the phone.


"Hi, Angel," Sam greeted.

"How are you, Sam?" She asked.

"I'm okay, I guess... I just wanted to see what you were doing," he answered.

"I'm eating some cereal," she said.

Sam shook his head, "cereal for dinner... okay, Angel."

Angel smiled, "yeah..."

"So, um, do you want to come over at sometime?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," she said, "do you want me to?"

"Of course," he smiled.

"I work tomorrow, but I always get off at 12 PM," she said.

"I get off of school at 1, so... do you want to be here by... 2?" He asked.

"Sounds good," she replied, "is that all you wanted? My food is getting cold."

Sam knew that cereal was supposed to be cold, but he knew what she meant.

"Okay, bye, Angel..."

"Bye, Mr. Tall..." she said and hung up.

Mr. Tall sighed and put the receiver back. He did have class tomorrow. He should get a full night's sleep. Sam didn't think he could fall asleep at 5 PM though. Maybe at 7 or 8. Sam went to lie down anyway, he had nothing better to do.

Sam fell asleep at 6:27 PM, much earlier than he expected or wanted. He knew he was going to wake up super early tomorrow, but he didn't care. He was more of an early bird than a night owl anyway.


Dean woke up in the middle of the night. Sometime around 3 AM. The Tylenol wasn't helping anymore and his back hurt again.

"Sonofabitch..." he muttered to his horrible back pain; it was so quiet he could baredly hear it himself.

He started getting out of bed to get himself more Tylenol. He placed his hands against the bed and pushed himself up. His left hand was too close to the edge of the bed and it slid off.

Dean tried to grab the railing but he missed it and ended up landing on his back, on the floor. He screamed in pain.

Cas jolted awake, "Dean?"

He realized Dean wasn't next to him anymore, "Dean!"

Cas sat up quickly and grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and put them on.

Dean tried to keep his weight off his right side, "Cas..." he breathed.


"Down... here..."

Cas looked over the side of the bed, "Dean! Are you okay?!"

"No... not... okay..."

Cas pushed the blankets off him and got out of bed. He knelt down to Dean. He put an arm under Dean's neck to help him sit up.

Sam came into the room, "what was the scream?"

"It's okay, I've got this," Cas told him, "go back to bed."

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