22- "I Am Amoosed."

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"Dean said he was going to 'the bar' today," Sam said.

"He's at Castiel's house," Angel said.

"How do you kno--?"

"Because I know," Angel interrupted.

Sam looked at her like she was insane, "should we go to his house?"

"No, that's rude, Sam," Angel said.

"What happened to you not being okay with gay people?" Sam asked.

"Well, it's your brother. I don't want to cause an argument about that. Plus, I really haven't given it much thought on why society considers it wrong," Angel said.


"Yeah," Angel said.

Sam took the pot off the stove and poured the soup into two bowls. He handed one to Angel and she thanked him. They took them to her small table.

They ate in silence and by 2:30 PM they had both finished their food.

Sam and Angel put their bowls in the sink.

"What do you want to do?" Sam asked.

"Don't expect me to know, Mr. Tall, I'm horrible at coming up with ideas..."

Sam smiled, "this coming up with stuff as we go along isn't as great as I thought it would be."

"I know right... maybe we should actually plan things sometimes," Angel giggled.

"I'll plan something to do next time," Sam volunteered, then added, "if there's a next time..."

Angel looked directly into Sam's eyes, "I hope there'll be a next time."

Sam pushed a strand of fallen hair behind her ear, "you sure do smile a lot don't you?" He asked, smiling himself.

Angel nodded, "you do too," she thought of something, "when you smile, are you amoosed?"

Sam chuckled, "I am amoosed."

Angel laughed, "we could always just watch a bunch of movies," she suggested.

"I guess... what movies?" He asked.

"Do you want to watch Cinderella?" She asked.

Sam laughed, "sure. I guess, I don't know, that's kind of weird..."

"Come on..."

"Okay, yeah. We can watch Cinderella..." he agreed.

Dean smiled, "what do you want to do now, Cas?"

Cas shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know..."

Dean smiled and leaned forward to just in front of Cas' face.

"Dean?" Cas asked, leaning backwards a little.

Dean didn't answer. He pulled Cas towards him again, who had raised an eyebrow. Dean pushed his nose up against Cas'. He shook his head so that their noses brushed by each other everytime Dean went by.

Cas laughed, "Dean! What are you doing!?"

Dean smiled, not stopping, "I don't know."

Cas sighed, "Dean, you're so weird..."

"That's kind of rude to say about your boyfriend..."

Cas smiled, "it isn't when it's not an insult."

They both were smiling wider than The Mississippi River.



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