41- "You Still With Me, Baby?"

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Inias walked back towards the school so he could show off.

He arrived sooner or later. He saw Castiel getting out of his car and his backpack on. He was carrying books because his backpack was too full to put those in too.

Inias walked by him, "you're boyfriend is just brutal."

Cas snapped up to look at him.

You have a just barely bruised eye, Dean must have attacked you. Though, you only have the just barely bruised eye, so where's Dean? Dean would go all out, almost death.

Cas dropped his books and slipped him backpack off his shoulders he ran down the street from where Inias had come from. He didn't hear the laughs as he went, he had bigger fish to fry.

"Dean!" He called, "Dean!"

He heard a small, hoarse voice,"Cas..." he called back, coughing up blood afterward.

Cas ran into the alley, "Dean!" He shouted, kneeling next to him, "no, no, no, you're okay."

Cas wasn't sure whether he was telling Dean he'd be okay, or telling himself.

Cas bent down and kissed his lips.

"I'm not-" he coughed, "Sleeping... Beauty." Dean joked.

Cas didn't laugh, "I need to call Sam, okay. I'll only be gone for a minute."

Cas stood up, "Dean Winchester, don't you dare die on me."

"I-I won't, try to..." Dean answered with brutal honesty.

Cas ran out of the alley. He made note of the two buildings they were between. A Burger King and H & S Candy.

Cas ran inside the candy shop, "can I use your phone? Please?"

The man at the counter gave him an odd look, but pushed the phone on the counter towards him.

The dialed the number of Dean's house and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Sam picked up.

"Sam, please, you have to come to 19th Street, in between H & S Candy and Burger King. Dean needs a hospital."

"Okay, okay I'm coming," Sam said, knowing that the two definitely got hurt too much.

Cas set the phone back down, "thank you."

He ran back out before the man behind the counter could say anything. Cas knelt down next to Dean.

"You still with me, Baby, you okay?"

Dean opened his eyes and looked up at Cas. Cas held his hand and kissed him again.

"Dammit, why can't I lift you?"

"I-It's okay Sam's, coming, right?" Dean asked.

Cas nodded, "yeah," he looked down, tears falling from his eyes.

"I'll be, okay. It's my turn, to go to the... hospital."

Cas didn't say anything, he held both Dean's hands tight and looked into Dean's eyes which were fighting to stay open.

"Don't you leave on me, Dean," Cas said.

"I'll be o-okay..." Dean said.

Cas looked to the sky, "oh, God. Please, please, let him be okay. Dean needs to be okay. Dammit, let him be okay!"

Cas leaned over and his tears fell onto Dean's chest.

A car approached and Sam came running out of it. He didn't stop to ask questions. He scooped Dean up, who shrieked.

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