40- "Honey, I'm Home!"

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If you look at the number 40 very closely under a microscope, you can see that it does in fact, have a zero at the end.

The word is apocalypse

Suggested by: All-The-Obsessions-2

I swear, everyone else gives me weird fandom or internet things that haven't come out yet in this story.


"Honey, I'm home!" Dean called into Cas' apartment, shutting the door behind him as he walked inside.

Cas grinned and looked up to Dean from his textbook. He smiled and stood. He walked to his boyfriend and they shared a kiss.

It had been one month since Cas had been attacked. That morning, they had both been declared--by Cas--all better.

1960 had come in so fast. It was now January, and today it decided to snow in Kansas.

Dean smiled at Cas and ran his hand down the back of his hair.

"How was work?" Cas asked him, yawning.

"It was fine, normal as always," Dean grinned, "how's that cut?"

Dean pulled Cas' shirt collar over and revealed a long scab over his right collarbone.

Cas pushed Dean's hand away, "Dean, it's fine, it was just a deep cut."

Dean sighed, and kissed Cas' forehead.

Cas smiled and grabbed Dean's hand, "come on," Cas lead him towards the couch.

"Oh, alright," Dean grinned and agreed.

Dean got on the couch, and Cas sat on Dean's thighs, facing him. Cas leaned his forehead on Dean's, and wrapped his arms around his neck, letting his elbows rest on Dean's shoulders. Dean kissed Cas' lips lightly and pulled away.

"I love you," Cas breathed.

"I know," Dean answered.

Cas lifted Dean's jaw and gave the man with the sandy hair and candy apple green eyes a long kiss.

Cas pulled back and kissed the tip of his nose before looking into his stunning irises. Dean grinned, and pushed up Cas' glasses for him. Cas ran a hand up through Dean's hair and kissed him again.

"You have school tonight right?" Dean asked.

Cas nodded and leaned his cheek onto Dean's shoulder, "I'm so tired."

"It's only two, you could take a nap," Dean suggested.

"Yeah, I could. But you're here," Cas responded.

"I can go home, Cas. It's alright if you're tired," Dean told him.

Cas nodded, "maybe just a little longer."

"Cas, let me take you to your bed, so you can sleep," Dean insisted.

Cas sighed, "but then I won't sleep tonight at all. Let me stay up one more hour."

Dean rolled his eyes, "fine."

Cas grinned and held the back of Dean's neck, "what do you want to do?"

Dean rubbed Cas' back, "I want you to sleep."

Cas sighed, and slapped Dean's chest so light that Dean barely felt it through his three shirts, "that's not happening."

Dean grabbed Cas' hand and threaded his fingers through it. Dean kissed the back of Cas' head and held him close.

Soon, Dean felt Cas muscles relax and breathing even out. Dean smiled and put a hand under Cas' butt, and placed the other on his back, so he wouldn't fall backwards. Dean stood up.

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