38- "Boop!"

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When Castiel woke up in the middle of the night, around 11 PM, he found someone had put a bracelet around his wrist. He couldn't read it, because someone had turned off the lights.

And now, here arose his problem, he had to go to the bathroom.

He didn't think he could just walk by himself. He didn't want to wake Dean, especially because of his rib. Dean was of course, sleeping on Sam's shoulder, so if he woke Sam, then Dean would wake as well. Then, Dean would insist to help Cas, instead of Sam. Why wake Sam if Dean was going to do it anyway? Plus, if he called a doctor in, both Dean and Sam would wake up.

Cas grabbed the tissue box on the nightstand and threw it lightly at Dean's chest.

Dean's eyes fluttered open as it fell on the floor, "wha?"

Cas smiled, "Dean..." he whispered.

Dean looked up to the voice, "Cas?" He whispered back.

"Dean, I have to pee."

Dean nodded and stood up. He tried to stretch from the uncomfortable position, but Hulk decided he wanted to step on Dean's back again.

He sighed and walked over to Cas' bed.

Dean offered his arm to Cas. Cas grabbed it and sat up. Dean pulled Cas' legs over the side of the bed. Cas took both his arms and used them to stand. He wobbled a little, but gained balance.

Dean put Cas' arm around his side and Dean held Cas up with his own arm. They went off to the bathroom and Cas sighed when Dean opened the door for him.

Dean helped him to a urinal and then left the room.

Cas spit into the urinal and finished using it, putting his hospital gown back down. He flushed and sighed. With help of the wall, he made his painful way to the sink. Cas gripped the sides of the sink tight,


And raised it from Perdition.

(Because this sink is in Hell, that makes sense, right?)


and leaned his weight onto it as he washed his hands.

Cas didn't have the energy to go get paper towels so he dried his hands on his gown. Cas leaned over from the sink and knocked on the door.


Cas leaned back onto the sink and Dean opened the door.

Dean grabbed Cas' sides and turned him to himself.

"Are you crying?" Dean asked.

Cas nodded, "it hurts, so much..."

Dean pulled Cas forward to his chest and gave him a light hug, as not to hurt him.

Cas put his hands on Dean's shoulders and wiped his tears with the back of his wrist.

"I feel so bad, making you help me," Cas said.

"God dammit, Cas..." Dean whispered.

"Let's go," Cas told him.

Dean nodded, and pulled Cas' arm back around his shoulders.

They made it back to the room and Dean helped Cas back into the bed. Dean leaned against the bed and sighed.

"Dean, let me kiss you," Cas whispered to him.

Dean looked up and leaned his head over. Cas found his lips in the dark with his finger and placed a long kiss on them.

A light came from the door and Dean and Cas looked over.

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