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Go ahead and kill me with all your feels HERE

But yes that is the end.

I think I want to change the character names and references and make this an actual story and publish it. Does that sound good?

Post what you think the new names for each character should be.

Castiel, (with a nickname)

(If you want to add last names for Dean and Cas you can. Sam's will be Dean's (duh) and Angel's can just stay McKinley)

(If you want to put the new Destiel and Sngel ship names in, you can)

(If you want to change more names, you can)

(If you want to suggest how the characters should physically look, you can)

I will make it written better by the way cause right now its honestly kinda sucky and short.

I'm also probably only going to give a little tiny bit of Sngel throughout the book cause it's kinda boring.


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