34- "I Can Prove it."

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Tuesday rolled around sooner than they thought it would, and Cas went to school for his 24 hour day.

Dean didn't do much, he turned on the TV, but didn't bother to ever change the channel.

Cas saw Hannah during lunch, and he figured it was time.

Cas looked down at her and Hannah looked up hopefully.

"Hannah, I've seen, that you... have an, uh, attraction to me," Cas said nervously.

Hannah blushed, but didn't deny it.


Hannah's smile dropped at the word, scared of what he would say next.

"I'm sorry... I'm not interested..." Cas finished.

Hannah looked like her life was over.

"Hannah?" Cas asked.

She didn't say anything and turned away and walked off. Hannah was trying to hide it but she was walking faster than normal. She turned to go into the bathroom and probably cry.


She'll be okay, just don't let anybody scream, "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!"


Cas gave a sympathetic look as she disappeared from view. He sighed and started eating his small lunch.


By the time Castiel was driving home at 1 AM on Wednesday he was practically dead. He almost fell asleep while climbing the stairs in his apartment building.

He collapsed onto his bed when he got there and got to sleep almost instantly.


Cas called Dean when he woke up at 5 PM.

"Hey..." Cas said, when he answered.

"Did you just wake up?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Cas replied, "don't judge me, there was a five hour lecture on the skeleton that I didn't fall asleep during."

"No judgement, I could never do that," Dean told him.

Cas sighed and scratched the back of his head, "okay, I'm really hungry, I'm gonna eat some dinner."

"I know you don't want me driving, so could you come and pick me up?" Dean asked.

Cas thought about it, "have you had dinner yet?"


"How's your back?" Cas asked.

"Um, not too bad, I've been resting most of today."

"Um, I guess I can bring you here," Cas said.

"Great, so, see you in a few," Dean smiled.

"Yeah..." Cas grinned as he hung up the phone.

Cas put on his jacket and shoes. He headed downstairs and got out to his car. He drove out towards Dean's house.

He arrived soon, and stepped out. He knocked on Dean's door and a minute later the door opened.

Dean stood there, shoes and jacket already on.

The two smiled seeing each other.

"Come on, Dean," Cas said.

Dean nodded and stepped outside. He locked the door without too much hassle, but he leaned on Cas a little as they went down the steps.

They got into the car and Dean only winced the smallest little bit.

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