35- "Why Does The World Hate Us?"

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The two finished their pasta and Cas took the dishes to the sink.

"I need to do the dishes..." Cas sighed, looking at the sink, which was piled up with plates, cups, silverware, and bowls; mostly bowls and spoons from pasta.

Cas sighed and turned back to Dean, who was now standing.

"You know, I can help you..." Cas said.

"I know, Cas, but I'm fine... really, I am," Dean insisted.

Cas frowned, being almost sure that he was, in fact, not fine, "are you really?"

"Of course, yes, come on..." Dean told him, as he walked out of the kitchen towards the couch.

Cas bit at his lip, but followed Dean out of the room. They sat on the couch.

"So are you all better?" Cas asked.

"I think so," Dean said.

"Okay, I'm sorry in advance," Cas said.


Cas pushed Dean forward so he could see his back. He placed his hand gently against it.

Dean flinched and slapped Cas' hand away.

"Hey!" Cas said, pulling his hand to his chest, and gently brushing his fingers over it.

"Sorry, reflex," Dean said.

Cas tried to ignore the fact that Dean slapped him, "but, you're not fine. If you were fine that wouldn't have hurt you."

"Who said it hurt?" Dean asked.

"You slapping me says it hurt."

Dean pursed his lips, "Cas... that was an accident."

"Yes, because you instinctively reacted with fight, rather than flight," Cas said.


"Nevermind, it was instinct, so it kind of wasn't your fault, it was mine."

"Okay..." Dean said, drawing out the 'o' in the word for longer than normal.

"Can I see your back?" Cas asked.

"I guess..." Dean said.

Dean wasn't wearing a button up this time. He put his arms up for Cas, so he could pull the shirt off. Cas stood and pulled the shirt up over Dean's head.

Dean lied face down on the couch where Cas used to be sitting. Cas crouched down and examined his back.

"It is looking a little better," Cas said, "but you're not your old self yet. Sorry. Now please don't slap me."

Cas leaned down to Dean's back and gave him a tiny little kiss on his patch of bruises, that looked like somebody stomped grapes on it.

Dean reached for Cas' hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, you okay?" Cas asked him.

Dean frowned, "I just, um, do you know that feeling, where... you just need to cry?"

Cas looked at Dean sympathetically, "aww... Dean, come here."

Cas lifted Dean up a little so he could sit and hold Dean.

"And, yes I do know the feeling," Cas added.

Dean gripped Cas' sweater and buried his face into it, "why does The World hate us?"

Cas didn't say anything just held Dean close to his chest.


Just don't accidentally suffocate him and everything will be good. 👍

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