3- Castiel

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Dean just realized how... interesting of a name that was.


But smooth.

It rolled off the tongue, like calm waves brushing up against the shore.

He looked down at the beer in his hands, he had been holding it a little slanted and the foam was on the edge of rolling over the side. He tilted it the other direction, as it getting on his only not messed up jeans was too real of a threat the drink was making.

He glanced back at Castiel.

He still liked that name.

Castiel seemed shy and awkward. A hint of a smile stretched over to the left side of his face, making a slight dimple by the curve of his lips show.

His hair fell over itself like breaker waves, onto his forehead. It was ever so slightly spiked up, or maybe he tried so hard to pat it down. Dark brown tufts of hair strands still stuck up from the top.

His pale skin contrasted the darkness of his tuxedo.

Lucky to have one.

He was probably rich.

Or maybe he went to these kinds of things more often than himself.

It could be borrowed as well.

Dean didn't ever go this deep into detail with how strangers looked, but again.

Castiel was unique.

Just like his name.

"Hey, nice to meet you, Castiel," Sam said as he offered his hand to shake it.

Castiel took his hand and shook it

Sam then smiled and said, "I'm Sam by the way."

"Oh, hi, Sam," Castiel said, letting go of Sam's hand.

Castiel looked up at Dean again. God, his eyes were beautiful. They were a shade of green that mimicked the color of forests in the spring--or maybe the forests mimicked his eyes. Dean's eyes didn't look like they tried to look like someone else, they looked like everything else tried to look like them.

His hair was a dark blonde like sand on the beach that your friends buried you in. It was spiked up slightly and beautiful.

"Sam's my brother," Dean clarified to Castiel, "my giant brother..." he muttered.

Sam was enormous. Not as in fat, which they were far from. Sam was 6' 4". Dean was only 6' 1", tall, but still enough difference for Dean to call Sam giant.

Castiel looked just a tiny bit shorter than Dean.

6' even or a little less.

Dean gave a subconscious smile, as the man stared into his eyes. Dean returned the favor.

Dean had always been told that his green eyes were pretty. Castiel's seemed to be on the same level of beauty, or maybe even prettier than Dean's. Castiel's were the most amazing blue he had ever seen.

Sam laughed, "yeah, your big little brother."

He looked at the two and how they were staring at each other.

He smiled to himself, and then said to Castiel, "so, you're not much of a party person?"

Castiel took another sip of his beer. He was hoping it would start to turn him tipsy soon, then he wouldn't be so awkward.

He ran a hand through his dark hair as he pulled the drink from his lips.

He was extremely nervous to be talking to Dean. He was so sweet, and nice, and handsome. He wished he could tell Dean, about him being gay, and ask if he was too. The last time Castiel had 'told' anyone about him being homosexual, it--didn't end very well, to say the least.

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