30- "What If You Had Stopped Worrying About Me?"

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Hey look, there's a zero at the end of the chapter number...

This time the word is hobbit.

Suggested by, again: All-The-Obsessions-2.

I'm going to start underlining the word when I use it in the chapter.

Post chapter 40's HERE!


Sam sighed as he read The Hobbit. Bilbo was being stupid. Charlie, from college, had recommended it to him.

"Dammit, Bilbo..." Sam muttered.

He kept on reading, nevertheless.

Cas poured the pasta in the pot, as the water had started boiling.

"Dean, is your back really okay?" Cas asked, "it looks horrible."

"Well, thanks, Cas..."

"Dean..." Cas sighed, "answer the question."

"I'm fine, okay. Stop worrying about me," Dean told him.

"What if you had stopped worrying about me?" Cas asked.

Dean was confused, "are you talking about...?" He didn't finish.

"Yes, Dean. If you hadn't come back when I had cut myself. What if..." Cas said.

"I don't know," he sighed.

"You wouldn't have my number," Cas said, "and I might have a few new things."

Dean pursed his lips and sighed, "fine, go ahead and worry."

Cas stirred the pasta, "are you really okay?"

Dean sighed, "it hurts a little. I don't know what you're going to do about it, but it hurts a little."

Cas smiled, getting an actual answer out of him, "if it doesn't hurt that much, it's not about me being able to help you. It's about you telling me."


Cas sighed, "I just need to be honest with me, always."

"Okay, but I request the same," Dean said.

"Of course," Cas told him, "but you'd know if I lied anyway."

Dean smirked, "that's true."

Cas turned to his left and kissed Dean's cheek, "I hope you feel better."

Dean smiled, "I hope so."

Cas returned to the pasta and turned off the burner. He grabbed the strainer and drained the pasta. He separated the food into three bowls, giving one almost double as much as the other two.

Cas sat the three bowls on the table, and got forks for them, "Sam!" He called.

"Coming!" Sam shouted back, but he was going to finish the page.

"Okay, come here, Dean," Cas told him walking back over towards his boyfriend.

Dean stood up straight and started walking towards the table, "Cas, I can walk, you don't need to be right the--"

Dean tripped and yelped as Cas grabbed him. Dean moaned as Cas helped him stand.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked

"Less okay..."

"You were saying?" Cas asked.

"Be quiet..." Dean put his arm over Cas' shoulder, "come on."

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