18- "Never..."

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Guys... I just want to say...


HOLY [enter four lettter explotive of your choice]




Sam walked into Angel's apartment. He knocked at her door and waited.

"Hi!" She greeted with a wide smile, as she opened the door.

Sam grinned, "hey!"

Angel hugged Sam.

It looked like a child hugging their father, but who cares?

Angel let go of him after a moment, "I missed you..."

"So have I," he replied, as he walked into her house and closed the door behind him.

She smiled again, as she turned around to clean some papers up on her coffee table, to make herself like less of a mess.

He chuckled as he saw her moving the papers, "so how was your day so far?"

"It was good... I just woke up sorry..."

She stopped fixing the papers then closed her eyes trying to remember something, "oh," she said to herself, walking over to her kitchen and pouring Sherlock his lunch, "I'm sorry, Sam, I'm a mess right now..." she confessed, laughing.

"Oh, it's alright, do you need any help with anything?" He asked as he watched her scurry around.

"Uhhh... yes!" She replied, "Can you please help me turn on my turntable? I don't exactly know how to use it. It was given to me as a gift."

"Yeah of course!" He answered with enthusiasm, as he walked over to the turntable she pointed to.

He then started to play around with buttons and things. He remembered what Dean always did and tried to mirror that. They didn't own a turntable, he'd just seen Dean turn them on sometimes.

"Thanks a lot!" She was happy she would be able to use it.

After a moment the turntable began spinning, Sam grinned, "there we go... we just need a record."

Sam turned it off and Angel handed him five vinyls, "pick a record..." she smiled.

"You don't want to choose?" He asked.

"Nah, I like all music," she told him.

Sam pointed to one not knowing exactly what it was.

She set the other four down and walked to the open turntable. Sam took the record out of the jacket and placed it in its spot. He turned the machine back on and placed the tonearm onto the outer groove of the record.

The music started playing and Angel smiled, looking up at Sam. Sam turned to her, pulling her into a dance.

"Oh, I can't dance," Angel told him.

"Neither can I..."

"Can we, uh, not dance together?" Angel asked.

Sam laughed, "yes we can."

Angel grinned and went up on her tiptoes.

Sam took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her. Angel kissed back.

He broke from the kiss and winked at her, as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

She blushed, looking up at Sam.

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