6- "I'm Hot, Ain't I?"

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Sam, not knowing what happened to Dean and Castiel, went back to Angel. They kept talking at the bar, for an hour or so.

Angel yawned, "what time is it?"

"Oh, it's almost 12," Sam replied as he looked at his watch.

"Wow, 12 already," she said surprised, "time really does fly when your talking to giants... no offense..." she laughed.

He laughed and replied, "time really does fly," he smiled at her, clicking his empty beer glass in front of him with his fingernails.

"Soo..." she giggled, staring at Sam.

"Soo... did you come here with anyone?" Sam asked her.

Angel shook her head, "No, I'm too cool... or lonely, I don't know which one."

He laughed again, "oh, that was me when I was young, being lonely."

"Not lonely anymore?" Angel asked, taking out her bun, letting her thick, dark hair down.

"Well, I've got my brother, so not as lonely," he answered.

"That's good," she smiled, "I have my cat! She keeps me company."

Sam smiled back a little, "what's your cat's name?"

"I named him Sherlock," she laughed, "It seemed like a fitting name at the time."

"Oh really, well does Sherlock have his Watson?" Sam asked her.

"No, he doesn't," she giggled.

Sam glanced down at his watch, "dammit," he muttered, "uh, I should probably head home, it was nice talking to you Angel, maybe I'll see you another time," Sam told her.

"Okay! Bye Sam," Angel said.

Sam stood up, walking towards the door, which was significantly easier to do now that the majority of the crowd had left already.

Sam just hoped Dean and Castiel were okay.

Castiel hugged Dean back tightly, hoping that would release all his worries forever--which, I suppose, it did work for a short period of time.

"I've had no one to talk to about it, I've just been keeping it inside," Cas admited, sniffling a little.

"Well... you can talk about it to me if you want," Dean replied, letting Castiel press his into the crook of his neck, "don't feel ashamed."

Queer people didn't seem that bad.

Maybe he should stop using that term, homosexual, or gay, seemed nicer.

Dean ran his fingers through Castiel's hair, which was softer than he imagin--no thought. Manly straight men didn't imagine how soft other men's hair was.

"No, you don't have to listen to me complain about my love life," Castiel said, sadness tickling his tongue as he spoke.

He felt safe, and enjoyed Dean running his fingers through his hair.

He told himself to drop those thoughts because Dean was probably straight.

He would have said if he was gay already right?

Dean let go of Castiel, ending the comforting hug.

He asked him a question, "hey Cas? Have you been hitting on me?"

"Nono ofcoursenot," Castiel said way to quickly.

He looked at the ground feeling cold as Dean had let go of him.

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