Chapter 1

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Jacks POV

It has been roughly 100 years since I became a guardian and defeated Pitch. I got multiple believers afterwards although I still felt that lonely feeling inside. I clutched my heart wishing that it would just go away. Jamie died years ago. I visit his decedents sometimes yet I still feel the same feeling. Over all these years I just moaned and wined for attention.

"Hey you guys want to do something?," I asked the group hoping they would say yes.

"Jack, we're busy and shouldn't you be spreading fun all over world?," Tooth asked. Of course, the same response.

I scratched my head and sat down "I'm just bored,"

"Then go somewhere and stop bothering us!," Bunnymund snapped.

"Go where?," I asked.

"Dunno, Arrendele, Corona, Berk," Bunnymund started suggesting.

Arrendele. I like the sound of that.

"Where's Arendelle?," I asked.

"Somewhere in Europe," North told me.

I nodded and flew over there. I felt the breeze fly through my face. I finally landed and looked around in astonishment. I looked at the castle. The gates were...closed. Aren't they supposed to stay open? I looked around the outside of the castle and spotted a window. A small girl with platimum blonde hair and blue eyes was looking outside. A princess I suppose. She smiled looking in my direction...maybe even at me. Her facial expression suddenly dropped and she quickly left.

I flew up to the window to see what happened. The room was covered in ice. Her parents came rushing in. I looked at the window, which was frozen. She was crying as a blast of ice came out of her hands and hit the walls. I left after that but in all my years on being a guardian I had never seen something like that before.

Elsa's POV

Ever since I hurt Anna with my powers nightmares have haunted me. Although I had one in particular that stood out from the rest. I was in the ballroom holding Anna just like back when I hit her. Only this time she was dead. It was a blizzard and there was a strange figure standing there with a staff.

I wake up after that but I can't stop thinking of that dream. My room was covered in ice and snow. I sighed and got of bed.

Conceal don't feel Conceal don't feel. I repeat this to myself. My dad thought me to repeat it to myself when I feel my powers coming. I looked out the window and see a strange man with snow white hair and icy blue eyes and a my dream the man had a staff. I smile as he looks up to me. I don't see many people now besides my parents. I stare at him for a few seconds but I quickly stop when I freeze the bottom bit of the window. I call my parents. They didn't help much though. They left my room.Then a familiar knock comes at my door.

"Elsa? Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna asked me. "Go away" I told her trying to fight back the tears.

She left and the second she does and I let go of my fist a blast of ice shoots up and my room looks like the ballroom when me and Anna used to play together. I lye there on my bed and keep thinking of the man. Maybe he would play a role in my life some day...I sigh. Things like that only exist in fairy tales though. But then again my powers are a fairy tale too if you put it that way. This is too much to think about though.

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