Chapter 23

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{A/N} Please read chapter one before reading this chapter. Basically Rapunzel and Jack never dated so she's still alive. ;)

Elsa's POV

I woke up sleeply in the morning. The thought of the honeymoon kept me awake all night. Corona. That's where we were going. Jack first denied me from coming because of the huge scar Hans gave me. I pushed my night gowns shoulder and looked at the bandage.

"Ouch," I said to myself.

Jack woke up.

"Hey dear," I smiled.

"Good morning snowflake," he laughed. He sat himself up.

"Can't wait to go to Corona," I said cheerfully.

"Forget that, your birthday is coming up," he reminded me.

"Oh yea," I sighed.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday?," he asked.

"Look Jack, I'm not sure if you know this by now but I really just want to spend my birthday like a normal day I told him," I told him.

"Oh," he looked down. Must have been disapointed.


I got ready to leave for Corona. I let Anna braid my hair.

"I can't believe it," she said.

"What?," I asked.

"My sister finally found love," she said joyfully.

She braided the last bit of my hair and I jumped up and hugged her.

"Have fun on your honeymoon," she said as I finished making my ice dress.

"Thanks," I thanked her just in time because Joey started crying. I thought Joey was a really cute nickname for Joseph. I liked it.

"I should go get that," she laughed and ran off.

I paused and looked at myself in the mirror. I just stared at myself. My bangs got in my face again. I messed my fingures through my her giving it the messy braid I usually have. I heard the boats horn go off.

"Elsa it's time," Jack called.

I got really giddy as I was about to step inside the boat. Jack's hands interlocked with mine as we walked in. When we got aboard Jack took my hand and kissed it.

"My lady," he teased.

I blushed and laughed. We both went over to the side and waved Anna and Kristoff goodbye as they were trying to calm down Joey. I couldn't stop smiling. I stepped back and smiled at Jack.

"One week," I said cheerfully.

"Are you going to miss them?," he asked.

"Of course," I said , stunned.

"I can tell," he laughed.

That night me and Jack finally arrived in Corona. Five hours was definately worth it. We were brought to our hotel. I was amazed at the luxuries. Silk covers...almost better than the ones in the castle.

"It's great!," Jack laughed as he took of his shirt andthrew himself on the bed.

I took off my dress and slipped on my night gown and jumped after him. I accidently fell on him. We both giggled as he turned me around so that I was the one being tackled.

"You," I teased.

He just smiled into my beady eyes. He kissed me. We both smiled as I felt his fingers run through my hair.

Jack's POV

I ran my fingers through Elsa hair. So soft and delicate. I kissed her again.

"I love you," I whispered in her ear,

"Me too," she whispered back.


We woke up in the morning for breakfast. Elsa got ready, beautiful as always. I slipped on my hoody and made it down to breakfast with her. I watched as the waitress gave us our food. Bacon and eggs.

"Looks great," Elsa laughed.

"I know," I agreed with her.

"Two weeks until her birthday," I added to start a conversation.

"Jack," she sighed "you know I don't want to do anything special for my birthday."

"I know," I sighed "I just really want to do something for you."

"Your all I need to keep me happy Jack," she smiled.

How much I loved her smile, so vibrant yet so gentle. I grinned as the dessert came and our finished plates were taken away. The cake looked amazing, It was strawberry cake, frosted with pink and white frosting. I know it sounds really girly, but hey, Elsa ordered it. Besides, it's cheaper when we both order the same things. We only brought a certain amount of money with us.

Elsa's POV

I stared at the cake. I wanted to devour it so badly. It took me a while to convince Jack to order this one but I definately don't regret it. I take my first bite. It was amazing.

"Like the cake?," Jack asked.

"Yes," said delightfully "it tastes like Heaven."

"Alright for me I suppose," Jack shrugged.

"Next time it's chocolate," I reassured him. He quickly smiled at the thought of that.

I finished my cake and get this, Jack let me eat his slice. The waitress took our plates. We were going to the town to the the preparations for the Floating Lanterns ceremony.

The town looked really pretty. People were dancing and enjoying themselves. The now found princess Rapunzel was dancing with them. I stared at my cousin as she spotted me.

"Elsa!," she called as she ran to hug me.

"How's life?," she asked.

"Great, now that I have Jack," I replied and kissed Jack on the cheek. His cheeks turned bright pink.

"Haha, that's nice," she said as Eugene came.

"Hey Punzie, oh it's Elsa," he greeted.

"Yea," she shrugged.

"So when are you planning to start your family?," she asked with her shimmering eyes.

"Family," I said stunned "no, no, no, you see, Jack is dead, it's impossible for us to have kids. Besides, I don;t want them to have powers like me."

"Oh well I guess that's too bad," she sighed.

"Why? You don't have kids either," Jack pointed out.

"Actually," she corrected, her facial expression changed quickly as she smiled cheerfully "I'm pregnant!"

"Oh thats great!," I congratulated her "Anna just had her baby."

"I heard," she replied.

"Well better get going," I said, waving goodbye. I felt jealous of her and Anna.

"I know you want a family too," Jack quickly said before I could mention it.

"I must be a pain to you," I shrugged.

"No, it's my fault," he said saddly.

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