Chapter 8

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Elsa's POV

The next day was the worst. I was nauseous all morning and I felt exhausted. I flushed the toilet once more and went back to bed. Unfortunately I woke Jack up.

"What were you doing in the bathroom?," he asked.

"I just really had to go," I sai, slightly under my breathe. It was the most awkward excuse I had ever made.

"OK," he shrugged and sat up, "Today is our wedding aniversary."

Anniversary. I forgot all about it! Do I really want to ruin it by breaking the news about my pregnancy?

Periwinkle's POV

The morning light was shining on my bed as I woke up. I gave out a big yawn and sat up, reaching for the ice tiara on my bedside. Mommy made it just for me. I clutched it, not wanting to let go. I had anything a six year old could want, super cool powers, royalty, a huge bedroom, toys but there was still one thing I wanted. The throne. I knew I was too young but I was just so excited for the day I will be crowned queen. I got out of bed and pulled on the dresser handle to open it. After I finally opened it I took out a pastel baby blue dress and put it on along with some blue flats.

Just then Joey came in, "Hey Peri."

"HI,' I giggled.

"Wanna go play with your ice powers?," he asked.

"Sure! I really need some practise using them!," I agreed.

"Awesome," he said. We both ran outside in the castle garden. I could smell the green grass as we ran in the center of the garden.

"Come on, do the magic!," he laughed.

"OK!," I nodded. I slowly conjured some ice and threw it upwards, making it snow. I was still laughing when I felt something hit me. I turned around and saw Joey throwing another snowball at me. I smirked as we started a snowball fight.

Elsa's POV

"Want to go for a walk in the park?," Jack asked, staring into my eyes.

"Sure," I said, putting down my book.

The walk seemed relaxing for Jack but it wasn't for me. How was I going to tell him? When should I?

I bit my nails nervously as we walked down the path. Jack's fingers intertwined with mine. I felt my cheeks burning.

"So what are we going to do for our anniversary?," I asked.

"How about a date?," Jack suggested, "A romantic one, at a restraunt, tonight."

"That sounds nice," I agreed, feeling a small breeze blow in my face.

"I was wondering," I said, "If you are sure you don't want anymore kids."

"I told you already," he sighed, "No."

"Oh," I said, looking down at my feet.

"That's the second time you asked me," he said.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "I just wanted to make sure."

Great. Just great. We got back home to get ready for our date. The second I got home I went straight to Anna's room which startled her from her book.

"Whoa, Elsa," she startled, "Why the rush?"

"Anna I need help!," I panicked, almost about to cry.

"What happened?," she said, worrying.

"Jack doesn't want another child," I told her, "What do I do?"

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