Chapter 25

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Elsa's POV

I woke up on the morning of my birthday. I hated this day. All night I suffered nightmares of me hurting Anna. I slowly got out of bed. I noticed Jack wasn't beside me. Must have gotten up early. I got up on my feet and felt dizzy. I closed my eyes and waited for it to stop.

"That was weird," I muttered under my breathe.

I slipped on my usual ice dress and braided my hair, put on my shoes and walked out the bedroom. I went down to the dining room and saw Anna running to me.

"Elsa!," she called as she hugged me "happy birthday sis."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Ok, I know you hate your birthday and all but I made you a birthday breakfast all by myself," she said proudly.

"Anna, you shouldn't have,"

"I know, I know, but this is the first birthday we'll have together know what,"

I went to the table and looked at the breakfast. Small cakes, waffles and sticks, chocolate, cereals, and milk.

"Wow Anna, this looks amazing," I complimented her work as she sat me down on a chair. She shoved a slice of cake in front of me.

"Jack told me how much you loved the cake in Corona so I had Rapunzel send us some just for your birthday," she added. I laughed.

"So where's Jack?," I asked.

"'s gone...out...," Anna said, rubbing her neck. She looked suspicious.

"Ok?," I said, not buying it but I just let it go.

I ate the strawberry cake and some of the waffles. I thanked Anna and headed back to my bedroom to read a book. As I was still walking to my bedroom I suddenly felt a nudge on my shoulder. I yelped and quickly turned around only to see Jack.

"Oh Jack, you scared me," I sighed.

"Happy birthday!," he said cheerfully as he kissed my cheek.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"So you want to go out a and get you a birthday dinner or a gift or-," Jack started suggesting random stuff but I inturupted him.

"No Jack," I said "I'm not in the mood today."

"Of course," he said groaned "you never are."

Jack left. I felt my heart sink when he said those words. Was it true? Was I really the boring old Elsa who never wants to do anything fun? I wanted to cry as I ran to my bedroom. I broke to the ground and cried. Maybe he wanted to leave me because he got bored of my routine. This was too much to think off. I felt the snow blow through my hair. Can I do anything without messing up for once.

Jack's POV

It was all set. The party was ready. All the guests were getting impatient as Elsa was still in her room. Maybe I upsetted her because of what I said. I gee.

"I'm sorry everyone but your going to have to wait a little longer," I apologized Everyone groaned. I went upstairs to the bedroom.

I tried to open the door, Just as I suspected, locked. I sighed. I suddenly had a brain wave. I took a piece of paper and wrote her a note. I made a small ice charm and put it in the envelope. I slipped it under the door and waited.

Elsa's POV

I was still crying. I saw a note slip beside me. I opened the envelope and read the note. It was Jack's handwriting, I could tell by the messy Ts and As.

Dear Elsa,

I'm standing outside the door right now. Please come out. I have a surprise for you.

I'm really sorry!

~Jack xox

A ice charm slipped out of the envelope. I smiled. I decided to forgive Jack and open the door. I saw him standing there smiling.

Jack's POV

I stared at Elsa. I looked at her red eyes and her pale face. She was obviously crying.

"Come on," I said, jerking my head towards the direction the ballroom was in.

"Jack...," she said nervously.

"Oh don't be a party pooper," I teased "come on."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ballroom. I turned on the lights. Elsa still looked confused. Everyone jumped up and yelled surprised. Elsa's expression lifted.

"Oh my goodness, Jack," she said, still stunned.

"I know it's not much but..." I said modestly but she kissed me.

"It's more than I could want," she smiled. She twirled around the ballroom looking at all the decorations. I was glad to see her so happy.

Elsa's POV

I twirled arouned, still stunned to see Jack putting all of this together just for me. I suddenly got dizzy and was about to fall over until Jack caught me.

"Woah," he gasped "are you ok?"

"Yea," I nodded.

"I got you a gift," he said heading towards the huge pile of presents. I gasped. He picked out a small box and gave it to me.

"I know it isn't something huge but, it's something," he said nervously, rubbing his neck.

I opened the box and looked at the amazing necklace. The chain was white got and the charm was ice. It was in the shape of a heart and E+J was carved on it.

"Jack, it's beautiful," I said, admiring the beautiful necklace, Jack took it and put it around my neck.

"Happy birthday," he said and we both kissed.

Afterwards the music went on and we all danced. Anna was doing the chicken with Kristoff. Jack and I were just dancing along to the music. All the guests were enjoying themselves to the fullest. We were dancing the night away until my stomach churned. I stepped away.

"Elsa, what's wrong?," Jack asked, worried. I ran to the bathroom to vomit. Jack ran after me and saw me.

"Elsa," he started as I kept puking. He put his hand on my back "Are you ok?"

"Yea," I replied even though I still felt sick.

"Maybe it's time for bed," Jack suggested.

I nodded. Jack went and told everyone that the party had ended, Everyone left and Kristoff carried Anna to bed. Jack went back to the bathroom and watched me getting sick.

"Do you want me to bring you to a doctor?," he asked.

"No," I told him.

"Ok but if your sick in the next two days then I'm bringing you by force," he said.

"I probably just had something bad," I said making an excuse.

Jack shrugged and helped me get to bed. We were both tucked in as Jack's body heat kept me snugg.

"Jack?," I asked.


"Do you think I'm boring?,"

"No," Jack quickly said. "it's because of what happened earlier isn't it?"

I hesitated.

"Listen Elsa, your the most interesting person I ever met, don't ever question that, sorry."

I kissed him and we both drifted off to sleep.

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