Chapter 20

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Elsa's POV

After arriving at the church Kristoff went beside Jack. Anna was there to walk me down the isle.

"You look beautiful," she complimented me.

"Thank you," I replied. I looked at her green dress and her hair which was in a bun.

"You too," I told her.


Then I heard the music go on.

We slowly both walked up the isle. I looked at everyone. My heart was pounding like crazy and I could feel my breakfast making a reappearance. I swallowed and got up to the alter. Jack was in his suit and he was actually wearing shoes.

"We are gathered today to celebrate this couple," the priest started.

he kept talking and it was time to say our vows.

"Jack Frost, do you take Queen Elsa as your beloved wedded wife?," he asked.

"I do," he replied.

"Do you, Elsa take Jack as your husband?,"

"I do," I replied.

"You may kiss the bride."

I felt Jack's cold lips against mine. I felt a wind blow through my hair which I found quite odd.

"You are my immortal queen," he whispered.

"What?," I asked in confusion.

It was time to get back to the castle and into the ballroom to celebrate. Me and Jack were walking there as everyone followed. We got to the ballroom and immediately everyone started dancing to the music. I looked around as I lost Jack. I finally spotted him.

"Jack," I yelled.

"Oh Elsa," he waved.

I kissed his cheek.

"Elsa there's something i should tell you," he told me as he grabbed my shoulders.


"You are immortal," he said.

I just froze when he told me this.

"When you marry a guardian you turn immortal,"

"And your only telling me this now?," I asked getting a bit paranoid.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's ok," I forgave him.

"Let's go to Anna," I told him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him through the crowd.

I finally saw Anna. Her face turned pale and her eyes were wide open.

"Anna what's wrong?," I asked. I noticed something wet down her leg.

"My water just broke," she told me,

I gasped.

"Come on, lets get the midwife and Kristoff," I told her.

We helped her up to her room and called the midwife. Kristoff got in the room as quickly as he could.

"Oh my god," he panicked,

"I suggest you leave the room," the midwife said.

"But," I tried to reason but she just interupted me.


We left Anna in there to give birth. We waited out the door patiently. We would hear her screams and I would sweat everytime she would. I was scared.

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