Chapter 3

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Elsa's POV

The sleigh was rushing and the wind was blowing through my hair as the speed increased. Kristoff parked the sleigh in front of the workshop and we all ran inside. The guardians were just minding their own buisness, in fact, they seemed clueless about Jack.

"Have any of you guys seem Jack?," I asked, gasping for air.

"Well he ran in here for a moment," Tooth shrugged.

"Did he say where he was going?," I asked hopefully.

"He said something about searching at Pitch's lair," she informed me.

I nodded and thanked her. "Come on, we have to get to Pitch's lab!"

We got back in the sleigh and the wind once again ble win my face. We stopped at Pitch's lair and ran inside quickly.

"Come on," I shouted. As we ran inside Pitch was just chilling around. He didn't seem to bring any harm but I was convinced it was him. I ran up to him angrily.

"Pitch Black!," I shouted, stomping up to him "where is my family?!"

"Woah fussy, why would you possibly think it was me who took your little baby," he said, innocently.

I growled "I never said anything about a baby."

"It's a royal baby, everyone knows about her Snow Queen," he sassed. Something in me snapped and my powers looped him up and I lifted him in the air.

"I want an answer!," I screamed.

"Fine, just let me go and I'll tell you," Pitch said, squirming in my grasp. I let go of the ice around him, making him drop on the floor.

"Gah," he complained "I was hoping you would put me down."

"Tell me where Jack is!," I commanded.

"Well, Jack came here a while ago, looking for Periwinkle, after he searched everywhere he started threatening me, so I suggested he would check the Southern Ilse," he explained.

"The Southern Ilse," I muttered "of course."

His brothers might have wanted revenge for freezing his heart.

"Come on guys!," I said as we ran out of the lair.

We got back in the sleigh. This time the ride was going to be longer. I just waited to arrive, hoping that I wasn't too late.

Jack's POV

I looked around The Southern Ilse hopelessly for any signs of Periwinkle. Only know I realised how everyone who lived here was just as proud as the royal family. In the center was the frozen statue of Hans. He froze standing straight and tall. I couldn't tell is that was him inhaleing his last breathe or that he was just trying to at least get a good posture when he dies. I then felt snow fall on my. I quickly turn around. A sleigh skidded in and parked. Elsa ran out of the sleigh and ran up to me. She hugged me tightly, letting me smell her rose perfume.

"Elsa?," I asked, pulling her off me. I grabbed onto her shoulders and looked into her worried eyes.

"Why did you do that Jack?," she asked.

"I wanted to find Periwinkle," I told her.

"Please don't do that again!,: she begged.

"I won't," I smiled.

"OK, now lets get back to the main focus," Anna said "Plan Periwinkle."

"Right," Elsa sighed.

"Where could she possibly be?," Kristoff asked. It was weird to see him talk and get involved, he usually stays quiet..

"I don't know," Elsa said sadly.

"It wasn't Hans brothers, I searched around their castle multiple times," I said.

"Hmm," I thought for a second. I then got a sudden brainwave. If I were to kidnap a child I would run into.. "the woods!," I shouted.

"What do you mean Jack?," Elsa asked.

"The woods, come on!," I shouted. We all started running towards the woods quickly.

As we walked through the forest I noticed how strong Elsa was. She seemed so fearless as she went through the darkness, despite the noices the wind would make when hitting the tree's leaves. She feared herself so much that all her other worries must have been pushed out of the picture.

"It's getting late," Anna said "we should go."

Elsa sighed, she looked like she was about to cry. Just then we saw a blue glow coming from deeper in the forest. I pointed and we followed the light. I was shocked to see a woman holding Periwinkle up to the moon. That woman was Mother Gothel.

Elsa's POV

I looked at Gothel in surprise. She turned around and saw us. She gasped.

"What are you doing here!," he scowled, pulling the baby back to her chest and scowling at us.

"Give me back my child Gothel!," I threatened.

"Why would I?," she asked.

"Why?," I asked "why are you doing this?!"

"Don't you see?," she said "after I lost my little flower I needed to find another way to gain back my youth!"

"But ice magic doesn't heal!," I pointed out.

"But I can trade her magic with the moon so I could get back the healing flower!,"

"Please give her back!," I begged "I'll do anything!"

"I'll give her back," she continued "if you give me your powers instead."

I gasped at her offer.

"Ok," I agreed.

"Elsa!," Jack called from behind me. Gothel handed me the baby. I slowly put her down in a small pile of leaves and walked foward to Gothel. I looked down at my feet the whole time. I chuckled under my breathe.

"Wrong move," I smirked. Her eyes widened when I suddenly froze her heart. She clutched her chest, falling to the ground. I grabbed Periwinkle, and we started running.

"No!," Gothel screamed, trying to crawl after us "I'm not going to be pretty!"

I looked back at her for a moment. Periwinkle reached out her hand. Just then a small blast of ice shot out of her tiny pale hand. Peri giggled as it hit Gothel, finishing her off. I grabbed her tiny cold wrist and gasped.

"Periwinkle," I said, shocked. She had inherited my powers.

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