Chapter 24

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Jack's POV

A week passed by and it was time came to pack our bags and leave to go back to Arrendele. I watched as Elsa tried to fit in all our clothes in the suit case. I was going to miss this place and its cake. Especially the chocolate cake but I wanted to go home to plan Elsa's surprise birthday party. I know that she doesn't like celebrating her birthday but I really want to make it special!

"Jack," she groaned "help me!,"

I went over to the bags and watched as Elsa tried to squash the stuff in by sitting on them.

"OK ok," I replied and tried to push everything down.

"Ugh," we both groaned as we pushed.

We finally let go and looked at the suit case.

"Perfect," I said proudly. Then the it started shaking.

"Um, Jack," she said nervously.

"It's gonna blow," I yelled and we both hid behind the bed as piles of clothes bursted out.

"Haha," we both laughed until Elsa saw the mess.

"I think I'm gonna faint," she said quietly to herself while looking at the clothes spread all over the floor and bed and lamp.


Elsa's POV

I looked back at Corona as I got into the boat. Half of me was glad to go home but the other half was still clinging on to the luxuries. We cleaned up the mess we made, fortunately but we stayed an hour longer than we were supposed to so they charged us an extra fifthy pence.

"Goodbye Corona," I sighed as the ship sailed off.

"The cake here was great," Jack said as he put his arm around me.

"Tell me about it."

"So anyways," Jack started "why do you hate your birthday?"

I always hated this question. It's always the same answer. I swallowed and bit my lip.

"It was the day I hurt Anna with my powers when we were kids," I finally blurted out.

"Oh," he said as he rubbed his neck.

"Elsa?," he asked.

"Yea?," I replied.

"Do you think you parents would like me?," he asked.

My heart sank.

"Of course they would," I replied trying to to cry over them again.

"Why would you ask that?,"

"Because I'm not exactly king material," he sighed.

I kissed Jack to make him feel better.

"Love you," I whispered in his ear.

"Me too," he smiled.

We both heard the ship's horn as it was approaching Arrendele. Anna was waiting there with Kristoff and holding Joey at the same time. She waved with exitement. The second the ship parked it's way in the port I ran down and hugged Anna, trying not to squish my nephew.

"I missed you so much Elsa," she said happily.

"Me too," I laughed.

"Corona is great isn't it?," Anna asked.

"Yea, great holiday," I smiled.

Jack came from behind me and grabbed hold of my shoulder.

"Hey Anna," he smiled.

Kristoff just stood there and smiled like usual. Very quiet guy if iI should say.

"Jack and I will go unpack," I added and we all went over to the castle. I spent hours unpacking in my room with Jack. I could hear Joey laughing across the hallway. Every once in a while he would scream.

"Weird kid," Jack said.

"Weird?," I laughed "he's only two weeks old."

"Yea," he replied.

"I want one of my own," I sighed.

I knew I was probably getting on Jack's nerves with me constantly asking for a baby even when I know Jack isn't technically human. I won't ever have a child. That was the cold and hard truth.

"You know I can't do anything about it," he told me.

"I know," I sighed again.

He kissed me on the cheek and helped me unpack some more.

{A/N} Sorry for the short chapter! D: But I have great news too! I made a trailer for my book. I'll put the video on the right so you guys can watch it. Please do!

SnowflakeIcing xoxox

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