Chapter 10

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Jack's POV

The room I had woken up in was dark and cold. I had no idea where I was and I had no idea what happened to Kristoff. All I remember was helping Kristoff search for a gift for Anna's upcoming birthday next week then darkness.

"Hello?" I echoed. I got up from the ground and squinted, trying to see through the darkness.

If I''m ever going to get anywhere I have to search around this place.

I attempted to move further but something thugged me back. Only then I noticed the chains holding me. I hear a slight laugh.

"Who's there?!" I shouted. The footsteps became louder as I started to sweat.

"Your worst nightmare," the voice said. I already knew it was Pitch.

"Let me go Pitch!" I commanded.

"Who said I'm Pitch?" the voice asked, "For all you know I could be someone who was close to you. Some who was very, very close to you," his mouth breathes in my ear.

"Show yourself you coward!" I screamed.

"Oh but where's the fun in that?" he laughed wickedly. I attempted to thug on the chains again. They're too strong.

"Oh come of Jack, don't you want to have a little fun?" he asked evily, "That is your center afterall, correct?"

I growled at him.

"Unless maybe your not truly the guardian of fun. Perhaps your just a dead boy who's spirit lingures through the Earth, searching for someone to free you."

I didn't even bother to consider his theory. I wanted to attack. Then I realised that my staff was gone.

"Where's my staff?!" I asked aggresively.

"I gave it to someone who deserves believers more than you." he said, "You traitor."

"Traitor?" I asked. I was truly confused.

"I never traited anyone you lier!" I yelled.

"Wow, I guess you really can't remember." he sighed. No, I really can't.

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