Chapter 2

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( 12 years later) Elsa's POV

Everything is fine, now that the eternal winter problem is over. The kingdom has not been very trustworthy to me. I don't blame them. I did just freeze all of Arrendele. In a way, I think I changed Anna's life for the better. She found Kristoff because of the eternal winter. They are unsepretable. I wonder when Kristoff is going to propose. People would think that I would have found a man before my sister, being queen and all, but I guess Anna was always more social than I ever was. After all I did spend most of my childhood in my room. Although there was one thing I still can't seem to forget. The boy I saw as a child. His white hair and blue eyes are two things I can't seem to forget. I have a feeling I will be meeting him again.

Jacks POV

The young girl is something that even now I can't seem to forget. I saw so many children that you would think I would have forgotten although I can't. The way she conjured the ice. I must go back to Arrendelle and see her again. I won't rest without a visit. I called the wind and flew over there. In about 15 minutes, I arrived. It sure is busy out here. I then see why. The gates are open. I thought they always stayed closed. How will I find her in this crowd? She could be anyone of these girls. Let us see...platinum hair, icy blue eyes, ability to control ice. How hard can it be? I walked through the crowd to the front. I continued to walk into the castle. I looked around. It sure is big...and empty. I got to the throne room to see if maybe she was there. A tall girl with platinum hair and blue eyes stood there. That must be her. I followed her to her bedroom. I stayed in one corner, behind a lamp and look at her. She throws herself on her bed and sighs. "Death by being queen" the girl groaned. Queen? Her parents must have died or something. She got up and then her eyes widen. She stares in the corner I'm standing in...Maybe even at ME? She lifted her hand, glowing with the ice. She's a believer.

Elsa POV

I looked at this young man who was just standing in my room. I lifted up my hand and shoot an icy blast at him. He blocked it with an ice shield. My eyes widened. How was this possible? He has the same powers I have. I put down my hand and spoke.

"Who are you I say?," I asked sternly he looked and took a deep breath "Jack, Jack Frost" he said to me.

"I am Elsa, Queen Elsa of Arrendele," I told him. I looked at him, He looks like that man I saw as a child.

"Jack Frost, like THE Jack Frost?" I asked. "Yes, THE Jack Frost" he said and smiled in a flirty way.

"You have ice powers?" I asked looking at his hand.

"Yes Elsa, just like you," Jack explained as he conjures a snowflake.

"Just like me...," I mumbled mimicking his snowflake. I look into his eyes. "Just like me...," I mumbled once more.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll be adding Olaf in the next one. :D I hope you liked it though.

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