Chapter 26

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{A/N} This book will be longer than I planned at first. I decided to extend the story then make a sequel which you'll find out more about at the end of the book. The first book will be way over 30 chapters so yea. :3 I love writing here x3.

Elsa's POV

The sun was shining it's rays on my desk in the morning as I sat there writing the same phrase of and over again in my notebook. Love will thaw. I kept writing it down to try to calm myself down. I didn't have a reason to being stressed, I guess it's because my powers have been hard for me to control. I got sick again this morning. Luckily Jack was and still is asleep. I heard him get up.

"Elsa?," he questioned "what are you doing?"

"Just, writing," I replied.

"Did you get sick again?," he asked.

I hesitated. I really didn't want to see him get worried because of that. Although before I had a chance to answer I got sick again and found myself in our bathroom vomiting. Jack followed me in.

"I'm ok," I insisted.

"I don't think you are."

"I'll be fine by noon," I said "you'll see."

Jack nodded and he helped me up. We both walked down for breakfast. Anna and Kristoff were both already there. Their hair was a mess. Jack and I both sat down at the table.

"Hey," Anna greeted us.

"Your hair?," I pointed out.

"Joseph had another tantrum," she replied.


The servent came at the table with her notebook.

"Good morning, how are you today?," she asked kindly.

"Good," we all said at the same time.

"So what would you like to order for breakfast?," she asked.

"Ooh, waffles with orange juice!," Anna said cheerfully.

"Egg and bacon," Kristoff ordered.

"I'll take whatever Kristoff is having," Jack told her.

"What about you Elsa?," she asked.

"I'll take what Anna is having," I said "but put grapes on the side and I only want water for my drink."

She nodded and left. Jack looked at me.

"I thought you hated grapes," he said..

"I dunno, I just felt like I wanted grapes today," I replied.

The food soon arrived and we all started eating.

"Maybe that why you keep getting sick," Jack pointed out. I shrugged as I ate my food.

"Elsa has been getting sick?," Anna asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Yea," Jack replied, eating his food.

"Well you know, your eating awfully well for someone who's been getting sick," she laughed.

"What's the point your trying to get at?," I asked. I really wasn't in the mood for it today.

"Never mind," she chuckled.

"No! Tell me," I begged but she just shook her head and kept smiling like she just won the lottery and she wanted to scream in exitement. She took her last bite and then left with Kristoff.

"Come on Kristoff, I think Joey's crying," she excused themselves and they left the table.

"Weird girl," I said under my breathe as I took another sip of my water.

"Hey wanna go somewhere today?," Jack suggested.

"Sure," I replied "what do you have in mind."

Jack just smiled. I soon regretted this decision.


We were both standing on the porch of someone's house. I looked down at my ice dress and my ice shoes. My hair was in it's usual braid. Jack knocked. I looked up and opened my mouth to speak.

"Who's house is this?," I asked.

"You'll see," he chuckled.

The door opens. My eyes widen as I look at the man. He was wearing brown jeans and a leathery coat. Under it he was wearing a shirt and a tie. His hair was probably gelled back. He was wearing his glasses and a pair of brown shoes.I then realised that it wasn't just any man, it was Dr.John. I felt so dumb, how could I not see this coming? I swallowed hard as he invited us both inside.

"I have been expecting you," he said as he guided us through the hallway "your appointment was very sudden you know."

"Appointment?," I said under my breathe.

We walked into a room and John sat me down on a chair.

"Sorry Jack but maybe you should wait outside," John told Jack.

He frowned and nodded. He was probably a bit mad that he got kicked out.

"So Elsa," John started as he sat in a chair that was in front of me.

"Jack tells me that you have been getting sick."

I nodded.

"So for how long?," he asked.

"Three days," I told him.

"Hmm, so have you had any other symptoms?," he asked, starting to lean foward.

"I get dizzy sometimes but I don't see why that would be a problem," I replied.

"If I remember correctly you married, right?,"

"Yes I am," I said proudly.

"So how far have you went with your relationship resentely?," he asked.

My cheeks were burning. Who does this guy think he is? I already knew what he was talking about.

"It was one time ok? ONE TIME!," I said trying to stick it in his tiny brain.

"How long has it been since then?," he asked as he poured himself a cup of tea.

"Two weeks," I replied.

He took a sip from the cup and chuckled. I started to understand why Anna was laughing at breakfast today.

"What are you trying to suggest?," I asked.

My jaw dropped at what he said next.


I walked outside to Jack who was waiting at the porch for me.

"So?," he asked.

I just stared at him.

"What did he say?," he asked.

I broke into a smile.

"I'm pregnant!," I announced to him.

Jack's eyes widened and he swallowed.

"Who's the father," he asked with his eyes wide open.

"Oh Jack," I said like it was so obvious "it's you!"

"Elsa that great," he laughed as he picked me up and swirled me around. We both laughed,

"But how?," he asked.

"Maybe your more aive than you thought," I laughed.

"Yea," he agreed as he put me down. We both stared in each other's eyes for a few moments.

"So what now?," he asked.

"Let's go home."

We both walked home. Jack out his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we got near the castle.

{A/N} Eeek cuuutttteee. x3 Sorry I'm like a huge hopeless romantic. That awkward moment when you catch yourself reading your own books. XD Like am I really the only one who does that? I hope not. O_O Well 'till next time. (i.e when I stop jumping up and down because of this chapter xD)

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