Chapter 9

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Jack's Pov

I was shocked. My heart sank when I heard her say those words.

Who are you?

Now I'm at Elsa's door with Anna. Anna sighed as she was about to knock. We both looked at each other. I knew she was mad, mad at me. I know this is my fault and it will stick with me forever. Anna finally built up the courage and knocked.

"Elsa, can we come in?," Anna asked, opening the door slightly. Elsa was in bed reading. She put down her book and smiled.

"Of course," she said.

We both went beside her bed. She looked dazed, not the Elsa I knew. My Elsa was serious, had class but yet was always happy. Now she was happy but she had no idea who she was.

"How's the queen," I asked, nudging her shoulder. Anna looked at my, paranoid and shook her head.

"Alright I guess, I just can't get over the facf that I'm a queen," she replied with her gentle smile.

She looked down for a few seconds. She then finally spoke up.

"I want you to tell me more about myself, to try and...remember," she commanded us.

"Well, your very classy, your favourite food os chocolate," Anna started.

"And you have these super cool-." I tried to tell her but Anna put her hand over my mouth. She excused us and brought me outside into the hallway.

"What do you think your doing?," she asked angrily.

"Telling her about her powers," I said like it was obvious.

"I don't want you to tell her about her powers," she told me.

"What, why?," I asked Anna. I'm starting to hate this girl.

"Ugh, because...," she paused "if she knows then she might get flashbacks of her freezing Arrendele and almost killing me. She won't know the full story."

I knew she was right but her plan wasn't safe.

"She'll find out on her own," I said.

Anna just sighed. She went off to Kristoff. I walked back to Elsa.

"Hey," I scratched my head "sorry about that."

"It's okay, " she forgave me kindly.

"Hey can we go to a park," she asked willingly.

I looked around and stalled. Anna would kill me if I let her out while she's in this state of condision.

"I don't think Anna will be very happy if I let you outside," i said unsurely.

"I thought I was the older sister," she sassed.

I just stared thinking of what to say.

"Oh come on," she jumped out of bed quickly changed in the dress she wore at her coronation.

She pulled my hand and we were running through the halls. We wereboth laughing. We passed Anna and Kristoff room. We both peeked in and watched them flirt. We both giggled and continued running. I was running behind her. She grabbed her bun and pulled down the braid from her bun. She messed up her bangs and soon her hair was in a messy braid. We finally made it outside. We were both laughing our heads off. Our laughs faded away and we were both staring in eachothers eyes.

We walked on the path through the path.

"Your different," I said to her.

"In what way?," she asked sweetly.

"The Elsa I know was very classy and isolated," I said "even when she finally let it go she still..hid from the world."

"Maybe that Elsa was...trapped," she said smiling. She rubbed her hands against her arms.

"Cold?," I asked. It's weird, the cold shouldn't bother her.

"No, I'm used to the cold, but it's chilli, I was never able to stand that feeling," she said.

I put my coat on her. She smiled.

"I want to know more," she finally said.

"About you?," I asked.

"No, about us." I stood there. We kissed before, I wanted there to be an us, but I'm not sure if it was official.

"Um I don't know if the-," I started but she inturupted.

"How about we start small, did we ever kiss?," she asked.

"Yes," I said scratching my head. I blushed. We both stopped and soon we were holding hands.

"May we?," she asked. Our lips met once more but this time it was different, it felt real. Her fears were gone, it We stopped and looked at eachother.

"We should go back, Anna and Kristoff have to go on their honeymoon soon," I told her. She nodded and we headed home.

We watched them both get ready.

Elsa's POV

"Are you sure you'll be fine?," Anna asked me when she finished packing.

"Yes, don't worry about me," I reasured her.

"Oh. by the way," she said "please fix your hair," she laughed.

I saw Anna whisper something to one of the servents. Anna and Kristoff left on their ship. Me and Jack were left.

"I have to go to a guardian meeting tomorrow," Jack sighed.

"Wait, why?," I said starting to get curious.

"Guardian stuff," he replied.

"Will you be back?," I said, getting worried. He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"I will, don't worry," he told me gently. I nodded. We kissed again.

"I wish I could remember you," I whispered.

"I do too," he agreed.

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