Chapter 10

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Jack's POV

The room I had woken up in was dark and cold. I had no idea where I was and I had no idea what happened to Kristoff. All I remember was helping Kristoff search for a gift for Anna's upcoming birthday next week then darkness.

"Hello?" I echoed. I got up from the ground and squinted, trying to see through the darkness.

If I''m ever going to get anywhere I have to search around this place.

I attempted to move further but something thugged me back. Only then I noticed the chains holding me. I hear a slight laugh.

"Who's there?!" I shouted. The footsteps became louder as I started to sweat.

"Your worst nightmare," the voice said. I already knew it was Pitch.

"Let me go Pitch!" I commanded.

"Who said I'm Pitch?" the voice asked, "For all you know I could be someone who was close to you. Some who was very, very close to you," his mouth breathes in my ear.

"Show yourself you coward!" I screamed.

"Oh but where's the fun in that?" he laughed wickedly. I attempted to thug on the chains again. They're too strong.

"Oh come of Jack, don't you want to have a little fun?" he asked evily, "That is your center afterall, correct?"

I growled at him.

"Unless maybe your not truly the guardian of fun. Perhaps your just a dead boy who's spirit lingures through the Earth, searching for someone to free you."

I didn't even bother to consider his theory. I wanted to attack. Then I realised that my staff was gone.

"Where's my staff?!" I asked aggresively.

"I gave it to someone who deserves believers more than you." he said, "You traitor."

"Traitor?" I asked. I was truly confused.

"I never traited anyone you lier!" I yelled.

"Wow, I guess you really can't remember." he sighed. No, I really can't.

Elsa's POV

"What are we going to do?!" I panicked. Anna tried to calm me down but I wouldn't listen.

"It's okay, I'm sure they're fine." Anna insisted.

"They've been gone for a whole day Anna!" I yelled, "We have to go find them!"

"Woah! Not so fast, you have a baby to carry, remember?" Anna reminded me.

I sighed.

Perwinkle's POV

I easdropped on mom and Auntie Anna. Luckily they didn't notice me. I knew there was something wrong and by the way mom is panicking I knew that I should be worried. I revealed myself by walking in the room.

"What baby?" I asked. Mom looked at me, her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"Peri, how much did you here?" she asked me.

"Um..all of it," I confessed.

"Oh Periwinkle, I don't want you to get worried okay. Daddy will come home soon, I'm just overreacting." she reassured me.

"What baby?" I repeated my question.

"Periwinkle," mom took a deep breathe and bent down to my height, "Your going to be a big sister."

"Promise me that daddy will be back soon." I said, looking up at her big and worried eyes.

"I-I promise."

I knew that she was unsure about it but it did make me feel better. I nod and run off to find Joey.

He was in the garden, petting one of the ducklings. His head shot up at me and quickly walked up to me for news.

"So?!" he asked, "Are they coming back?"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and answered, "Well no," I said, "Not yet anyway."

"Oh," he sighed sadly.

"But, we're going to have someone new in the family," I said, lighting up the mood.

"Really? Who?!" he asked.

"I don't know," I giggled, "But mommy said she's going to have a baby and that I'm going to be a sister!"

"Oh cool!" he said.

Jack's POV

Hours passed and the silence only made things worse. In darkness I was sitting down on the floor, chained up. I couldn't stop thinking about Elsa. Not only was she carrying my child but she was also probably worried about me. Was Periwinkle alright? Where is Kristoff? What if it really was Pitch? What did he mean by traitor. Maybe something happened in my past life. Could it possibly be that?

Finally the silence broke.

"You coward!" I yelled, "Show yourself!"

Quiet. Nobody answered.

"Where's Kristoff?!" I screamed.

"Stop yelling, its not nice." a feminine voice spoke.

"Who are you?! Where's the other guy?!" my voice raised even higher.

"I don't know. He just told me to make sure you don't try to escape."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, tears were building up in my eyes.

"Because you betrayed him...and me."

"I didn't betray anyone!" I couldn't stand being accused.

"Lier!" she screamed. I was finally sick of this. Suddenly a faint light turns on, only spotlighting the girl standing in front of me. She was wearing a long black dress, her hair was let down and her skin was unusually pale. She looked so familier. Then I realise that I actually do know her.

"Remember me?" she asked, tilting her head.

I stare at her. Why would she do this? Her from all people?

I swallow hard and finally speak, "I-I think I do,"

{A/N} Sorry for the short chapter. Did you like it Cookies? :3 Can you guess who the girl and the man was? Anymore baby names for the new baby?

Also for the Cover Contest, many people have been asking me how to send me the link. Upload the cover to a website (not Instagram) then copy and paste me the link.

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