Chapter 28

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Elsa's POV

I clutched myself on Anna's bed as she did her hair. It was a girl's night tonight. Kristoff was gone delivering ice for the whole day.

"Jack was so sweet to offer to take her of Joseph for a night," Anna said as she braided her hair in pig tails.

"You made a wrong choice in babysitters," I replied.

"I think he'll be fine," she laughed as she finished doing her hair.

"So hows the pregnancy going?," she asked.

"Fine I guess," I shrugged.

"Any moodswings yet?,"

"Yesterday I had one," I replied as I remembered me threatening to push Jack out the window for being usless.

"Trust me the hard times are soon to come," she said, probably remembering her pregnancy.

"No way!," I said sarcastically.

"Yea," she laughed "there's giving birth, that's the worst. Your at risk of death and sometimes the baby can die."

She kept listing all the bad things like death, pain and a bunch of terrifying stuff. After a while that's all I heard coming out of her mouth. The thought of that got me really stressed out. If I died then Jack would be devasted, right? Or would he not really care. What if he doesn't want a baby?

"Um...I think Jack called me," I excused myself.

"Are you coming back?," she asked.

"No promises."

Jack's POV

"Shut up!," I yelled at Joseph. He wouldn't stop crying.

I groaned. I tried everything. I tried giving him the bottle, rocking him but he just won't keep quiet. I even tried to sing! Joseph was in my hands screaming his head off. His face was red and his eyes were swollen from tears.

"Ok that's it!," I said in my final moment of desperation. I took Joseph and opened the window. I was about to drop him until Elsa came in the room.

"Oh, hey Elsa," I greeted her as I quickly pulled the baby back in.

"Jack! What are you doing?!," she gasped. She quickly took the baby from me.

"What?," I said, paranoid.

"Why were you about to throw him out the window?!," she said as she tried to calm Joey down.

"I wanted to see if he could fly," I lied.

"You idiot!," she insulted me. Great another mood swing. She wasn't even putting out yet and her hormones were already getting to her head. It amused me how she says that she bearly had any even though she's been getting angry all week.

"How do you shut this thing up?!," she yelled.

"I dunno!," I yelled back, trying to get my voice heard over the crying.

Elsa ran out with Joseph. She came back in and gave a sigh of relief.

"What did you do with it?," I asked.

"Anna," she replied.

"Figures," I smiled.

Elsa's POV

I still kept thinking of all the things Anna told me. I needed a break.

"Jack, I think I want to go back to the ice castle for a while," I told him. I couldn't believe I was asking for this.

"Ok, well do you want us to go now or-," Jack asked but I interupted him.

"No Jack, I want to go alone," I explained to him "it doesn't have anything to do with you or us or anybody, I just need some time to not be queen but just be Elsa."

"Oh," he said under his breathe.

"Only for let's say five days," I suggested.

"Well if that's what you want ok," he agreed as he stroked my cheek.

"Love you," he whispered.

He kissed me. I felt his cold lips against mine.I closed my eyes to lingure the moment.

"Elsa?," he asked.


"Do you want to leave me?," he asked.

"No!, Jack I'm just going to relax myself. All the castle buisness if really stressing me out," I explained. I really did love him. With all my heart.

"You can visit me during the five days if you want to," I suggested.

He nodded. I was glad to know I won't be alone all the time.

{A/N} Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter. Five days in ice castle! OOOH! x3 Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :D Next time! BAIII!

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