Chapter 10

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Wow guys, it has already been 10 chapters! Like wow!

Third Person

Elsa turned her back and hugged herself.

"What's wrong," Jack asked sympetetically.

"I'm just stressed," Elsa responed.

Jack knew that stress and fear triggered her powers so he had to distract her. She must not know.

"Well maybe a drink can help," he suggested.

She smiled and soon they were drunk.

Elsa's POV

Pitch blasted me in the heart. I fell and died, I was revived. I felt a kick and a heard a moan.

I woke up. I just had my first flashback, a memory. I looked beside me and saw Jack getting up. I screamed then he screamed then we both screamed.

"Why are you in my bed?," I freaked.

"I don't know!," he replied just as confused.

"You you should know, your the smart one!," he told me.

"I don't remember," I said back.

"Figures," he replied.

Somehow that hurt me inside.

"I have to get ready to leave," he sighed. I could tell he didn't want to go.

Jack left to get ready. Midge came in. Midge was one of the servents, she was the one I trusted the most.

"Let me fix you up," Midge told me, putting a clip in her mouth.

"I wish he didn't have to go," I sighed.

"Yes, I'm sure you do."

I nodded along. Midge and some of the other servents lead me outside the gate to watch Jack take off.

"Do you have to go," I sighed.

"I'll be back," he smiled reasuringly.

He flew up. Our fingers tipped eachother. I wanted to grab him but I had to let him go. Suddenly a blue icy light sparked when our fingers tipped. I was like the reflection of ice. Did it come from me. I gasped. Midge and the other servents grabbed me and took me inside the hallway.

"What was that," I yelled.

"Calm dow-" Midge tried to calm me but I didn't take a moment.

"I said tell me," I felt snow falling.

" Here take the glove-,"

"No I will not take the gloves.," I yelled back but yet I stilled grabbed them off Midge.

"Tell me what happened!,"

"It's nothing impo-," I kept inturupting everyone. I needed to know.

"Okay," one said and everyone grabbed me.

"Let me go," I screamed.

They threw me in my room.

"Stay here until you calm down," Midge said and then locked the door.

"No!, NO!," I yelled.

I banged on the door.

"LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!," I yelled.

"Let me out RIGHT NOW!," I commanded. My bun fell apart into a braid. I kept banging on the door. I eventually gave up and slid down on the floor.

"Please," I cried.

Can you guys leave down ideas? It would really help, I will dedicate this chapter to the person with the best idea. :)

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