Chapter 13

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According to my plan the book was be about 30 or more chapters.

Elsa's POV

We all got in Kristoff's sleigh. They said they would bring me to the ice castle.

"I don't really see how an ice castle can help me," I said.

"Well you did make it," Anna replied.

I got really curious.

"Really?," I said.

The sleigh stopped in front of a stair case. At the top there was a palace made of ice. Everyone started climbing up the stairs. I followed along, looking at the beauty and the detail the steps had. We got to the door. It had snowflake details on it. Kristoff and Anna pushed the two pairs of doors open. I wondered inside looking at the beauty.

"Well here it is," Anna announced "your castle."

"Wow," I said, looking around "I can't believe I made this."

"I know," Anna said proudly.

I suddenly froze. I had a flash back.

"Elsa?," Jack asked "are you ok?"

I saw myself and Anna playing as kids. I had powers. I froze the whole ballroom. We kept play and I hit Anna with my powers. The images changed again. I froze Arrendele and Anna'd heart. I saw Hans trying to kill me.

My flashback ended. I hurt Anna. I'm a monster. I removed the glove off my hand. I made a snowflake with my hand. I have powers. I turned around and backed away.

"No," I said.

"What?," Anna asked.

"No, I'm a monster stay away!," I yelled as I ran out of the castle.

"Elsa, that's not the full story!," Anna called behind me but I didn't listen.

I kept running. My tears were building up in my eyes and I found it hard to see where I was going. I didn't stop though. I kept running and running and running. Everyone was trying to catch up with me. I tripped over a rock and fell over. I didn't get up, I just stayed there. On the ground, alone. Everyone stood around me. They brought me home.

The next day I didn't leave my room. I was a monster.

"Conceal don't feel," I said to myself.

Several times Jack or Anna would knock on my door, asking me to come out.

"Elsa, come on out," Anna pleeded.

"No, I'm never coming out again," I cried.

I held onto my knees on my bed and put my head down. I guess I didn't realise how quickly time passed because it was bedtime. Jack came in.

"Hi," he said nervously.

"Hi," I sniffed. He got on my bed and put his arm around me.

"I just," I started to cry,

"Elsa," Jack reasured me "there is much more to your story."

"So your saying?,"

"That your not a monster." he finished.

Me and Jack both got under the covers. I smiled.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm gonna be an aunt."

We driftted slowly to sleep.

Jack's POV

I woke up in the morning.

"Wow, that was a great sleep," I said.

I looked beside me but Elsa wasn't there.

"Elsa?," I panicked.

I looked everywhere.

"Elsa!," I yelled. I ran back to the bedroom and found another note. I read it, hoping for maybe a clue.

You should had given up sooner. I always win.

Anna come into the room. She looked just as worried as I was.

"Jack," she panicked "have you seen Elsa?"

"No!," I replied and showed her the note "look!"

"It's Pitch," I said.

"You let Pitch get Elsa?!," she raged at me.

"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't know!,"

"How can you not know, you were with her all night!,"

I'm sorry!" I apologized.

We had to save Elsa and quick.

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