Chapter 12

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Elsa's POV

We got to the workshop. Kritoff parked the sleigh outside and tied Sven to a pole.

"Sorry buddy," he apologized as we went inside.

We got inside. Santa, the Easter bunny and Sandy and a Hummingbird.

"Oh Jack," Santa laughed "This must be Elsa and Anna, oh and Kristoff."

"I'm Santa but please, call me North," North said.

He pointed to the hummingbird "Shes Toothania, you may call her Tooth, she'll be at your assistance for today."

"Oh oh oh, you must be Elsa," she said in her hyper mood, she opened my mouth and looked inside "Wow your teeth are so white."

"Tooth," Jack warned her.

"Sorry," she apologized

"Ok follow me and I'll try to find your teeth."

"My teeth?," I asked

"That's what holds your memories," Jack explained.

We both followed Tooth to a beautiful castle. She brought us in a room with tubes with teeth in them. They were stacked onto each other. She immediately flew into the stack and looked for my teeth. Jack put his arm around me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I can't believe this is happening!," I exlaimed.

"I know," Jack.replied.

"Jack," I asked "do you really think this is going to work?"

"Well, it worked for me," he reasoned. Somehow this made me feel better.

Tooth flew back down to us with a note in her hand. I searched her for my teeth but she wasn't holding them. Oh no.

"There was a slight complication," she laughed nervously.

"What do you mean Tooth?," Jack asked, stepping foward.

"The teeth, they're gone!," she exlamied.

"Gone? All of them?," I asked.

"No, only yours!," Tooth replied.

I found this note," she showed me it. I snatched the note from her hand and looked at it.

Just give up. I have them with me.

Give up? Who was this.

"Jack look," I told him, showing the note "who could it be?"

He muttered something under his breathe.

"Well how am I supposed to remember now?," I groaned.

"Well Jack and Anna can show you some places that hold a lot of memories of yours," Tooth suggested.

I sighed. Tooth walked us back to Kristoff and Anna. They were talking cheerfully. Anna quickly turned to us when we walked back in.

"Oh Elsa we're back," she cheered "I have big news!"

"I'm pregnant," she announced.

"I know I was going to tell you but I decided to tell you when you got back your memories and I guess you di-," I inturupted Anna.

"Anna," I said "I didn't get them back."

"What?," she asked.

"They're gone, all of them." I cried.

"I suggest you bring her somewhere where she had spent a lot of time in before her amnesia. It might help her recover some of her memory," Tooth said.

"Well there's no where to go," Anna suddenly gasped "the ice castle."

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