Chapter 6

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Periwinkle's POV

The ice trailed behind us as the horse ran. I looked and the palm of my hand. What else could I do? I clenched my fist and then let it open. A snowflake conjured and floated away. We eventually got to a rock field where mom lifted me from the horse and put me down. She took my hand and dragged me to the middle of the field where my father already was. I huddled in between them, frightened.

The rocks started rolling, which made me hide behind my parents. The rocks turned into trolls. All the trolls were gasping because of our arrival. An elder troll rolled over to us.

"I suspected you would come around this time," he said.

"She found out about her powers," my mom said, pushing me up to him.

The troll took my hands and looked at them and nodded.

"Periwinkle, I'm afraid there is something we have been keeping from you," he started.

"What?," I asked eagerly.

"You see, your parents both have the power to control snow and ice. Your mother is stronger though," he continued.

"So I have powers?," my eyes widened.

"Well yes. You see, you have inherited both of your parent's powers so you are much stronger. Fear will be your enemy," he finally finished.

"What should we do?," my dad asked.

"Nothing, keep her from fear and she will be fine," he replied.

"Come on Peri lets go," mom said. We got back to the horse and jumped on.

Fear will be your enemy.

If fear was my enemy then why wasn't I afraid. Then it hit me. With this power I am unstoppable. If anyone annoys me I can freeze them. This wasn't a curse, this was a blessing.

Elsa's POV

I was fuming. How dare that troll take away my daughter's memories then tell her that she is going to live in fear all her life? The second we got home Periwinkle ran to her room. I didn't blame her. She was probably scared. Jack put his arm around me.

"She'll be fine," he said.

"How can we be sure?," I asked.

"We can't," Jack replied. As much as I hated to believe this it was true. We couldn't be sure.

I finally built up my courage and went up to her bedroom to comfort her but to my surprise she was doing fine.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hi mommy!," she ran up to me and hugged me.

"We need to talk," I told her and sat her down on the bed next to me.

"Listen, your powers might be beyond your control so if anyone bullies you just don't listen to them," I explained but she just got really cheerful.

"I won't, they have to listen to me because I can kill them!," she told me. I almost fainted when I heard this.

"What?," I laughed nervously.

"If they get on my nevres I'll freeze them! They need to respect their future queen!," she said proudly.

"I think your father called me," I excused myself and ran to our bedroom where Jack was getting ready for bed.

"So is she OK?," he asked.

"She's more than OK, she's confident enough to kill!," I panicked.

"It's OK, it's just a phase," he reassured me again.

"I don't think it is!," I almost yelled but I tried to stay calm.

"Look stay calm, it'll all go back to normal tomorrow," he told me.

"It's not Jack. Face it, she's...she's Hans!," I cried.

"Hans?," he raised his eyebrow.

"Yea, Hans," I repeated myself, "She'll do anything for the throne!"

"I think you're just thinking too much," Jack said.

"I'm going to deny that," I sighed as I got in my night gown.

"Well lets just go to bed," Jack said as he got under the covers.

"OK," I agreed with him.

I felt good that she was our only child. We couldn't afford more kids. Periwinkle is a troubled child. Jack and I always considered my pregnancy a miracle or a gift and that it was unlikely for it to ever happen again. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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