Chapter 15

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Jack's POV

"Are we nearly there?," I asked North.

"Almost," he replied.

"Come on Elsa could be dead by now," Anna moaned.

"We're here," North announced.

We all ran off the sleigh and into the lair. It was huge. The hallways was quite long. We walked slowly until we saw a light. There she was. I ran over until Elsa looked up. She was weak. She was on the floor. Her skin lost it's glow and her hair turned a shade darker.

"Go," she whispered but Pitch already saw us.

Elsa's POV

I lied on the ground as the last of my powers were drained. I watched as Pitch began to torture Jack, Anna and Kristoff.

"Well Jack looks like you finally made it," Pitch laughed.

"You won't get away with this," he scowled.

"I already have," he laughed, the fight had already started.

Jack blasted ice.

"No," I tried to yel helplessly. Pitch is too strong now.

Pitch blasted nightmare sand combined ice. I watched, horrified. Jack looked stunned. We quickly snapped out of it and continued fighting.They blasted their powers at each other. Anna and Kristoff were also fighting. They distracted him, mocked him and threw things at him. I slowly got up. I tried to stand up and not break down to the ground again. I looked at my hands which were handcuffed. Ice was begining to escape. My powers, they never left.

I pulled, hoping that the ice might weaken the metal. I looked over at Pitch. He was trying to make an ice bomb mixed with sand. That always causes distruction.

"No!," I yelled but it was to late. The blast bombed everything. I looked up as the bricks was about to fall on me. I tried to pull but the chains wouldn't break.

"Elsa!," Anna yelled after me but Kristoff grabbed her and ran outside. He also grabbed Jack on the way.

I screamed as the walls and bricks crushed me.

Jack's POV

It was over. The bricks were all fallen over. Anything left behind there would have been crush. Elsa.

"Elsa!," I yelled digging through the remains of the building.

"Jack," Anna cried "she's gone."

"No, no, no," I said denying her "she can't be gone."

"Jack, please stop," Kristoff begged.

I ingored them both. I continued digging until I found Elsa. I looked at her. She was bruised. Her ribs were probably broken and there was a scar on her forehead.

"There was no way she could have lived," Kristoff reasoned.

"No," I cried "no."

Elsa's POV

Where am I? I looked around. It was white, everything.

I looked in the distance.

"Mom, Dad!," I yelled, hugging them both.

"Is this Heaven?," I asked.

"No sweetheart, your not dead," my mother replied.

I looked down at my hands.

"I couldn't be prouder of you," she cried with tears of joy.

"No it's time to wkae up," Father said.


My parents disapeared and I started hearing voices. Flashbacks flickered through my head. I put my hands on my had and screamed. I remembered everything.

I'm alive. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Jack holding me. I grabbed him by the neck and he helped me up. I felt pain everywhere.

"Ouch," I groaned.

"Elsa your alive," Jacl said happily hugging me.

"I am," I agreed.

"And I remember everything," I announced.

"I'm so happy," Anna spoke.

"Everything hurts," I said.

"We'll take you home and call a doctor," Jack told me. He picked me up and put me in the sleigh.

I fell asleep. Jack nudged me when we arrived home.

"Elsa, we're here," he cooed.

"Okay," I said sleeply.

Jack lifted me up. He carried me all the way to bed.

"I'll call a doctor, stay here," he ordered me.

"Where can I go," I teased weakly.

The doctor came and consulted me. He put me to sleep. I wasn't sure what he was doing but when I woke up I found myself covered in plasters and bandages.

"She'll be fine," the doctor said and left.

"Hear that Elsa," Jack said "you'll be fine."

I nodded along.

Jack got in bed with me. His body heat made me feel warmer, even though the cold doesn't bother me.

"Are you sure you remember?," Jack asked.

"I remember everything," I replied "everything."

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