Chapter 18

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Elsa's POV

Three months passed and Anna was really big.

"How's the baby?," I asked.

"Big," she moaned.

"Maybe it will pop out," I teased.

"Haha," she laughed sarcasticaly "I can't wait for you to be expecting so then I can tease you."

I hesitated when Anna said this.

"I'm not going to have a baby," I cleared it out for her.

"Why?," she asked.

"Jack's immortal and besides, I don't want it to inherite my powers." I looked down at my hands which were covered in my gloves.

"Conceal, don't feel," I said to myself.

"Don't let it show," Anna mimicked, trying to tease me.

"Pssh," I burst out laughing and nudged her.


Jack was on the roof talking to Manny. I decided to follow him. I went out onto the highest balcony and started climbing. My foot suddenly slipped. I froze an ice step and continued to climb. After I reached the top I watched Jack from behind him.

"I don't know," he was talking "it will be shocking, I just don't know what to tell her."

This got me even more drawn into their conversation but I burst in.

"Boo," I jumped at him.

"Aaah," he yelped and turned behind.

"Elsa?," he asked "how did you get here?"

I pointed down at the wall with had some ice steps on it.


"So what do you have to tell me?," I asked him.

"No-nothing," he stuttered.

"Jack, are you leaving me?," I asked worriedly.

"Of course not, I would never leave you," he reassured me.

"Lets just talk about our wedding," he suggested. I noded and sat beside him. Jack sat down too.

"Three more months," I sighed, I kept thinking about what Anna said earlier.

"I want a family," I blurted out. Jack stared at me. He put his arm around me.

"It's complicated," he said.

"I know," I sighed.


{A/N} Sorry this chapter was short. I'm really enjoying writing this book if you haven't noticed. x3 Also check out my Kristanna video. I'll try to put it here.

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