Chapter 21

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Elsa's POV

We waited outside the door impatiently. I paced around until the midwife finally came out. I quickly stopped her from leaving.

"Is Anna ok?," I asked "where are you going?"

"Listen," she started "I'm going to get some ice packs, the baby is too big, she's at death's mercy."

When I heard this I let her go. Kristoff and Jack looked stunned. It felt as if my head was spinning and I had a sudden reflex and pushed Kristoff to the ground with rage.

"You killed my sister!," I shouted at him angrily. He just crawled back, afraid that I might freeze him.

"Woah," Jack took hold of me "Elsa I need you to calm down."

"Calm down?," I raged "he killed my sister!"

"She's not dead," Jack tried to reasure me.

"Yet," I finished for him.

"Anna is a strong girl," he told me "she'll be fine."

Although I trust Jack I was still mad at Kristoff for putting Anna in this position. Kristoff got up.The midwife came back with the ice packs and shut the door behind her. I couldn't express how angry I was. I know it's wrong to blame it all on Kristoff after all he did for me but I needed to blame somebody. I was obvious the birth process was going to take the rest of the day. We suddenly heard a crash coming from the dungeons.

"What was that?," Kristoff asked.

"I don't know," I said hesitating.

"I'm going down there," I announced.

"No," Jack grabbed me "it's too dangerous."

"I'll be fine," I smiled and ran down to the dungeons.

I went to the dungeon door. I took my key and unlocked the door. The room was filled with empty cells. Well there was one that was occupied, Hans's cell. When I got to his cell the bars were broken and he was standing up and laughing hysterically while looking at me.

"Well well well Elsa," he laughed "looks like I can finally finish what I started."

He grabbed a dagger and plunged towards me. I grabbed the nearest weappon. A sword. I pushed Hans back. He charged again and pushed me all the way to the wall. I was breathing heavily. I tried to push him back but the weight was too much for me to bare.

"You are a mad man," I forced out as Hans was pushing his weight on me making it hard to breathe.

"Why are you doing this?," I asked.

"Don't you see?," he replied "when you sent me back to the Southern Ilse I never felt so ashamed in my whole life! When I heard that Anna was having another man's child I felt humiliated, I wanted to prove myself worthy, but she wouldn't even tell me who the father was."

"Of course then you had to burst in," he spat in my face "I am going to kill you Elsa, one way or another."

I finally pushed him away and tried to flee from him. He cornered. I watched him approach and then out of the sudden I felt a sharp stab in my shoulder. I looked in horror to find the dagger stuck in there. I pulled it out and watched the blood gush out. I put my hand over it and hoped that I can put enough presure on it. I took the sword in my other hand and charged towards Hans. He tripped me. I felt the sharp pain in my heart again and broke to my knees. I crawled weakly to the wall. This time the pain wasn't going away.

I held on for dear life as Hans picked it up the sword and held it above me.

"Say goodbye, Queen Elsa," he said evily.

Then I did the unthinkable. I let my hand out and a small blast of ice flew out. It struck Hans in the heart. He clutched it and fell to his knees. I watched as the first strip of hair turned white. I quickly pulled my self up and walked against the wall to support me. I slowly climbed upstairs. My heart was killing me and the fact that blood was gushing out of my shoulder wasn't helping. I kept holding my hand against my shoulder. Now I wish I listened to Jack. I made it through the hallway, still walking against the wall. I passed the ballroom, you could hear the guests chearing and dancing. I finally made it to one of the living rooms. It was the one with a fire place. I got in and collapsed on the sofa.

The fire was really low which wasn't very lucky since now I started feeling really cold, which was unusual since usually the cold doesn't bother me. I lied down on my side on the sofa. Jack will notice that something is up when I don't come up for a long time. Hopefully he'll notice soon because my shoulder hurts and my heart keeps having that sharp pain. I took one look at my hands. I could see frostbite starting to form.

"A frozen heart," I muttered under my breathe.

It seemed obvious now. I had all the symptoms lately. Usually the first one is my hair turning to white, but I guess since my hair is already that colour I couldn't act quick. But I had so many questions in mind now. When was I struck? Jack did numerous acts of love, how come I'm still freezing to death? This is too much for me to think about. I just hope Jack will come soon.

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