Chapter 22

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Jack's POV

Hours passed and Elsa wasn't coming. Something was strange.

"Elsa isn't coming," I said "I'm going down there to see what's up."

"Woah, if Elsa isn't coming she's probably busy," Kristoff tried to stop me.

"Better safe than sorry," I replied and went to the dungeons.

I found Elsa's key on the floor which was weird. I picked it up and unlocked to door to the cells. On the ground I found Hans clutching his heart. His hair was turning white. He looked up and chuckled.

"Well, it's Jack Frost," he laughed and managed to get up. He grabbed a sword and headed towards me. I took my staff to defend myself.

"What are you doing out of your cell," I spat.

"Long story short, I escaped but your little bride had to go ahead and ruin it," he explained "she froze my heart, but if I'm going to die, I'm going to die with pride."

Hans pushed me to the wall but I fighted back. Soon he was the one on the wall. I used my staff to keep him there in that place.

"Where is Elsa," I asked.

"I don't know," he replied "she left after I stabbed her shoulder, she could be anywhere by now."

"You stabbed her shoulder?," I shouted "your dead to me."

I took my staff and froze him to the wall. Soon he will be a statue anyways. I ran upstairs and through the hallways and passed the ballroom.

"Elsa!," I called out. I continued to call until I heard a small shout.

I immediately knew it was Elsa. I ran to the room where it came from. I looked in horror as Elsa lied on the sofa in pain.

"Jack," she said with relief.

"Elsa what happened," I asked, kneeling beside her.

"Hans," she started.

I took her hands and looked at them. Frostbite was covering them.

"A frozen heart," Elsa replied weakly.

"But how?,' I asked in shock.

"I don't know, but I want to know why before I die."

I hated to see Elsa talk like this.

"I'll go to the trolls for answers," I told Elsa. I kissed her forehead and opened the window and flew as quick as I could.

As I got nearer to the trolls I could hear them pointing at me. I soon landed and the crowd came up to me to congratulate me.

"So Mr. Frost, hows Mrs Frost?," one of them teased.

"Not so well," I replied.

Everyone was stunned to hear me say this. They started whispering to each other. Then the the elder troll came, Papa.

"Now what's the problem Jack?," he asked.

"Elsa, she has a frozen heart," I told him.

"Hmm, has anyone struck her with ice?," he asked.

"No," I replied.

"I have a theory, Elsa struck Anna in the ice castle, correct?" he started.

"Correct," I said.

"One of the blasts of ice must have struck her heart too," he said.

"But I did multiple acts of love, how did it not thaw?," I asked.

"You see Jack, her heart must had been put on hold. Possibly all the stress allowed the ice to proceed the freezing," he explained.

"So what do I do?," I asked.

"You must perform an act of true love," he told me.

Kiss her. I nodded and flew back. I knew I had to get there fast before Elsa freezes and I'm too late. I was screaming at the wind to go faster.

Elsa's POV

I waited for Jack. I knew that he wasn;t going to make it in time. I could fell my body shutting down and freezing up. I heard footsteps. I knew it was Jack. I wanted to go up and hug him but I couldn't. My vision started going blury and I felt dizzy.

Jack's POV

I was rushing to the hallways. I hope I'm not to late. I burst into the room.

"Elsa," I yelled. I grew even more concerned when I realised she wasn't replying.

I ran over to her. I saw her eyes closing.

"No!," I yelled as her body froze. I was too late.

I looked at her body frozen in ice. Like a sleeping angel. I cried over her. Please wake up and tell me this was all a sick joke.

"I promised myself to give you a kiss, and that's what I'm going to do," I whispered to her. I knew it was useless. It was like kissing and ice cube but I'm not going to let our wedding kiss to be our last.

I kissed her lips. They felt like ice. I got up and headed for the door, how was I going to tell Anna. At this point I knew I was going to get exicuted until a heard the sound of ice melting. I turned around and saw the ice thawing off Elsa. It felt like a miracle.

"Elsa," I yelled.

She got up slowly. I ran to her and picked her up and spun her around. We both laughed of joy.

"Love will thaw a frozen heart," she quoted.

"Anna," she suddenly snapped out.

We both ran up to Anna's door. We heard a small cry. We opened to door and were overjoyed to see Anna holding a small baby. Kristoff was sitting on the bed, probably even more happy.

"Your here," she smiled.

"Oh my goodness," Elsa gasped.

"What's the gender?," I asked.

"Boy, meet baby Joseph," she said.

Elsa stared happily.

"He's amazing," she said.

Anna nodded.

"Well we're going to let you have a moment," I said and we both left the room.

When we got out of the door Elsa put her hands over me.

"I want a baby," she said.

I just stared at the wall not knowing what to say.

"I wish I could make your dream come true," I replied.

I really felt bad for not being able to give Elsa a baby. I kissed her and we both went to bed.

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