Chapter 3

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Jack's POV

We both stared in each others eyes. It seemed to be going on well. We really seem to click. Perhaps she won't lock me up afterall. I didn't want this moment to end...her eyes twinkled. She smiled, she actually smiled. She smirked and I felt a pain in my stomach. I plunged into darkness.

Elsa's POV

Jack fell down on the ground. I mean I did just elbow him. I nudged his body with my foot.

That teaches with me. I thought to myself.

I bent down and looked at him. I smiled. He looks cute when he's knocked out on the floor and in pain. Anna ran to my room gasping for air.

"What happened? I heard a bang and scream!" she said as she tried to catch her breath.

"It was some stalker...he was just here in my room hiding.," I told my sister who now looked confused yet worried at the same time.

She turns around and looked at Jack. "Wow, he's kinda cute. You know for a stalker.," Anna admited

"I know.," I replied.

"Well lets bring him to the dungeons," she said getting ready to drag him.

I quickly jumped up to stop her. "NO DONT!," I yelled.

Anna looked at me.

"Let him rest," I told her

"Why Elsa? he's a creep!," she argued back.

"It's because...he's like me...he has powers," I explained to my sister.

"Well I guess it can't hurt to have him stay" she said still unsure.

She left the room. I put Jack on my bed. Hours pass and he doesn't wake up. I started to get worried. His eyes flutter open and I gave a sigh of relief.

"Jack," I said letting out another sigh.

"Why did you do that!" he says angrily rubbing his head.

" seemed like a creep." I told him. It was embarressing.

Jack laughs and throws himself on the bed. We both burst out laughing. I felt weird inside. In a way I never felt before. Like a burning feeling yet cold and it was tickling me. I just couldn't help not to laugh.

I changed the subject to how much Anna wanted Kristoff to propose to her. Jack seemed interested. I explained to him about how worried yet relieved and happy I am for her. I really am. Although deep inside I am also jealous that I can't love. I mean who would want me? I guess Anna was just the more fortunate one. But I always think to myself...why me? Why was I the one to be the monster?

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