Chapter 7

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Elsa's POV

I stood upon a mountain close to Arendelle. There was a girl in front of me. The wind was blowing her white her back. Her blue eyes stared at the kingdom as it was perishing in snow and ice. Her smile was almost...evil.

I wake up from my nightmare gasping for air. I remembered that dream. I could remember it so clearly. I used to have it constantly when I was pregnant with Periwinkle. I was surprised to see it return to me. I woke Jack up from his sleep.

"What's wrong?," he asked sleepily.

"Just a nightmare," I replied.

"Pitch?," his eyes widened with worry.

"No! Not that type of nightmare," I reassured.

"Oh good," he sighed in relief.

We both went back to sleep and woke up later in the morning. Jack and I walked down to the dinner table. Anna, Kristoff, Joseph and Periwinkle were already there, eating their waffles. I sat down beside Periwinkle and Jack took a seat beside me.

"Good morning mommy!," she giggled.

"Good morning," I replied. She didn't seem taken down by her powers. She seemed just fine.

"How did you sleep?," I asked.

"Great! I found out how to make it snow in my room!," she said happily like it was an achievement. Jack seemed much more proud of her.

"That's daddy's girl," he congratulated her.

I heard him whisper in my ear, "Hey don't worry."

I nodded and started eating.

"So we were thinking about having another child," Anna told us.

"That's great, so have you decided?," I asked.

"Yes, we are hoping to get back results from the doctor," she replied.

Jack looked up and asked, "Well have you been having any symptoms?"

"No," Anna sighed, "That's what worries me."

"It'll be fine," I reassured.

Anna looked up for a second and grinned, "So are you guys planning on having more kids?"

We both shook our head. We didn't say it was because of Periwinkle since she was beside us but I think Anna got the message. Just then my stomach churned. I put my hand over my mouth for a moment and excused myself from the table and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

I flushed the toilet for a moment. Bad food maybe. I slowly got up. I got slightly dizzy making me lose my balance for a moment. This wasn't the first time it happened this week. I bit my lip in concern. Anna knocked on the door.

"Elsa are you OK?," she asked. The door creaked open and Anna peeked. She entered the door and locked the door,

"What happened?," she asked.

"I-I-I think I'm pregnant...," my words drifted off. Anna's eyes widened and she broke into a smile.

"Elsa that's great!," she said with joy.

"It's not," I corrected her, "Jack doesn't want a baby!"

Anna's grin faded, "So what's your plan?"

"I'm not going to tell him. I need to be sure of it first, " I explained to her, "I'm going to make an appointment for the doctor."

"I'll come with you! I can help you sneak out!," she offered.

"Thanks sis, " thanked her, "We can go today."

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