Chapter 31

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Elsa's POV

2 months later...

Jack was feeling my bump which was now starting to get huge. I stared down at it. It has been three months since I got pregnant. Anna put her hand on my shoulder.

"The bump is really cute ya know," she said.

"It's disgusting," I rolled my eyes.

"No it's not," Jack interupted.

"Well your not the one carrying a baby are you?," I snapped.

"I guess not," he shrugged.

Somehow that got me really angry. Even though he didn't say anything wrong.

"Excuse me?," I scowled.

"Nothing!," he said nervously.

"Nothing now is it?!," I yelled.

Anna just laughed "you'll be fcaing way worse after another three months," she laughed as she left.

I sighed as Jack got back from his squating position. He took off his hands off my bump and looked in my eyes.

"You're finally getting what you want," he said.

"Being pregnant isn't as easy as I thought," I told him as I put my hands over my belly.

"Did you think of any names?," I asked.

"Ok, Jack Jr," he said giddly.

"No," I replied.

"Oh come on," he groaned.

"It's dumb," I told him.

"What have you got in mind then," he sassed.

"hmph," I moaned.


I found myself at Anna's door again to ask for anymore spare maternity dresses. All mine are too small.I knocked on the door and waited for my sister. I hoped that she wasn't too busy with Joseph because I felt like my belly was about to burst through the dress. She finally opened the door. The second she saw me she was smiling all the way up to her ears.

"Back again?," he teased.

"Yea," I sighed "any maternity dresses left?"

"Actually, yes," she said cheerfully as she let me in her room. I noticed Joseph was sleeping in his crib. Anna went to her closet where there were a bunch of random dresses thrown inside. My closet is really organised, maybe even a bit too organised. I was surprised to see her find the dress so easly.

"I was so excited to lend you this dress,' he said giddly showing me the emerald green dress. It bottom bith was black.

"I think this green really matches your eyes," she told he, holding up the dress.

"Green isn't really my colour," I rubbed my neck, looking at the dress.

"Just give it a try, it was one size bigger than me so it should fit you perfectly!,"

"Thanks," I smiled as I took the dress. I

"Don't ruin it!," she called after me. I turned around at her and smiled.

"I won't," I replied and left the room. As I went through the hallway I kept staring at the dress. Jack made fun of most of the dresses Anna gave me. Must be because they were all way too small. I got in my room and Jack was smiling.

"Hey Elsa," he waved at me.

"I got a dress," I told him.

"Wow, that one is actually kinda pretty," he said.

"That's a first," I laughed as I got behind the blinds and got changed.

"Elsa, wanna go to the park?," he asked as I came out with my dress on.

"Sure," I nodded.

"You look great!," he complimented me.

"Thanks, now lets go," I thanked him.


To get to the park we had to walk through town. I felt so awkward walking with this baby in me. Jack took my hand to reassure me. I felt slitely better. Everyone was staring at my bump. I sighed. I guess it's my own fault since I never announced my pregnancy. The town people must have wondered about my absense during the last month. A small boy dragged his mother over to me.

"Hello," I bent down to the little child.

"Hi, your Queen Elsa," he said cheerfully.

"Yes I am," I laughed. His mother looked mortified, especially when I started talking to her.

"He's a great kid," I told her.

"He's a little rascal," she said, looking down at him.

I just laughed. "Explains a lot,"

"He reminds me of myself when I was a kid," Jack told her.

"When? You still are," I teased him.

"Your majesty, if you don't mind me asking, are you expecting?," she asked. A part of me felt insulted but the other half was feeling eager to tell her.

"Yes I am," I replied.

"Oh, ok, well bye," she waved as she pulled her child along with her. I just laughed.

"How about we go get food instead?," I suggested.

"Another craving?," he asked. I nodded.

We headed into one of my favourite cafes. The Moca. As we went inside the shopkeepeer was surprised to see me.

"Your majesty," she curtesied.

"Please, I just want a coffee cake," I smiled.

"Oh ok," she stuttered but she kept eyeing the bump.

"Yes I'm pregnant," I rolled my eyes. She nodded and starting getting my order. Jack and I sat at a small table. Everyone kept looking at me. It started getting embarressing. I was turning red.

"They're just surprised," Jack reassured me as I felt his hand overlapse mine. I smiled at him. Jack always knew how to cheer me up.

The cake came. Jack looked down at his cake and started eating slowly as for me I was eating like a pig.

"Don't eat that fast," Jack corrected me.

"Too late now," i sighed as I looked at my empty plate.

I was considering ordering another plate.

{A/N} Chapter 31!!! YAY!!! I made a pic of Elsa pregnant. Ik it's a bit weird editing a picture just for this cause but hey! Why not?

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