Chapter 9

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Perwinkle's POV

I was sitting on my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!, " I called. My mother walked in hesitantly. She looked gorgeous. I mean she did just come back from her date.

"Its late,' She smiles, "You should be asleep by now."

"Sorry," I look down at my feet.

Mom tucked under the covers and sat down on the bed. There was a moment of pure silence.

"Is there something you want to tell me?," I asked.

"N-no," she stumbled over her words. She turned paler than usual.

"Okay, good night," I said, going to sleep.

"Good night," she replied. I heard the door shut as she left. I knew she was lieing.

Elsa's POV

You idiot, you should have just told her!

I walked in my bedroom, where Jack was already in bed.

"So did you tell her?," he asked, smiling.

"No," I sighed. His baby blue eyes darkened a bit when I said that. He looked back down.

"You know that you have to tell her," he told me, "Right?"

"Right but its too hard," I said, getting in bed. I didn't know what I was feeling. Sad, angry, disappointed. Jack would have said that it was just a mood swing. Then I realized that I was ignoring the real problem. What if the baby will have powers?!

"What if our baby is going to be cursed like Periwinkle and us!," I panic. After the bad experience Periwinkle's powers, I certainly didn't want to have to experience it again.

"Calm down. If he or she is going to have powers, its either going to be ice or air," he reassured me.

I then started thinking which of the two would I prefer. I didn't want a kid who would spawn tornados all over Arendelle but I also didn't want one who would freeze people to death either.

"I don't know Jack. What if it's not going to be either of those. I mean, I was born with powers and my parents didn't have any,"I told him.

"Don't worry. It will be fine," he said. I sighed as I drifted off to sleep.

I find myself in a green field. As I looked up I see a tree, a lake, a small tornado and a snowman.

"Choose," I feminine voice spoke. I walked towards the four elements. I walked towards the tree. Vines shot out of the ground and grabbed my wrist.I tugged on my arm hard, escaping the grasp of the vines.

I backed away from the tree and went towards the lake. It didn't seem deep so I let my foot step in the water. Instead of it landing on the water's bed, it kept sinking. Going deeper and deeper. I pulled out my leg before I drowned myself.

Backing away I approach the tornado. The wind was very faint at first but it got stronger the closer I got to it.

I quickly leave the tornado and go to the snowman. This element seemed so innocent but that changed for when I got near it a blizzard began. I gasped and backed away.

I had to choose one. I closed my eyes and let fate decide. I started walking forward and-

I woke up. I was gasping fo air. I wondered what I ended up choosing. I looked around me and noticed that Jack was already awake, since he wasn't here. I got up and decided to go downstairs for breakfast.

As I entered the dining room I saw how Anna looked like she was about to have a panic attack. Periwinkle and Joseph just continued eating their breakfast, unaware of what happened.

"Anna what's wrong?," I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Jack and Kristoff are gone," she told me.

"What where?," I asked, my eyes widened.

"That's the thing! I don't know!," she exclaimed.

"But Jack wouldn't leave like this. He wouldn't leave now anyway, Kristoff wouldn't either" I reasoned.

"Well he did!," she snapped, "I need to soak in a hot bath or something," she mumbled. She got up and left the room.

"Mommy, is it true?," Periwinkle asked, her eyes beaming at me.

"I don't know," I sighed. This just seemed so unlike them. I mean, I guess it wouldn't be that unusual if only Jack left. It probably meant that he was out doing guardian work but it was definately strange to see them both leave,

"I think they'll come back," Joseph said. Joey was always optimist about things. He got that from his mother.

"What if they don't?,"Peri argued.

"Then they don't," he said. Was he really okay with the fact that his father was missing?

"Well I think its great that you're trying to stay positive about things Joey," I smiled, eating the waffles that were left for me on a plate. I pouted a bit. I would have preferred pancakes. Anna says that they're both basically the same thing but I really couldn't care less. I finished the waffles and stared at my plate.

My stomach turned and I could feel my breakfast coming up. Anna was in the bathroom so I had to run up two flights of stairs to get to a bathroom. I vomitted in the toilet bowl and flushed the toilet. I couldn't believe this was happening. Anna wanted to have another child but she's not having and luck yet and I didn't but I'm still the one to get pregnant again.

I put my hand over my stomach and hoped that the baby might stop making me puke so often. I got up and went to the mirror. Was a putting out yet? No. Nobody would even guess that I was expecting yet.

I walked out on the hallway and just stood there, processing all of this information. I realized how quickly time has passed, Anna was now 25 and I was stuck 21 when I was supposed to be 27. I eventually stopped celebrating my birthday. There wasn't much point, considering the fact that I wasn't aging anymore.

I slid my back down the door and put my head in my knees. Jack was gone, I was pregnant and our child is probably going to end up freezing Arendelle if we didn't raise her properly. How could this situation possibly get worse?

{A/N} I'm back! Sorry for not updating. :/ But here's your chapter! The dream was a hint about the child's powers. :D Also thanks for leaving names down in the comments. Keep leaving names 'cause I love reading them. :D Well leave down a comment because there's nothing I love more than reading comments from my Cookies. Bye!

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